What is the money in Peru called?
textiles, mining, farming, fishing
Inca people wore these during celebrations.
What is the name of the rainforest that is found in Peru?
What are the two main colors of the flag of Peru?
red and white
What is the name of the "Sun God" that the Inca people worshipped?
Farming & building
Traditional, bright clothing is one thing Peru is known for. How is this fabric made & what is it made of?
Is it woven from alpaca fibre or sheep's wool.
_________ is the name of a type of cloth or woven fabric.
Most people in Peru live along the _________.
Give the name of one of the countries that borders Peru.
Columbia, Brazil, Equador, Chile, Bolivia
Name a type of animal that the Peruvian people use for their fibre and to help carry supplies.
llama alpaca
Why is Lake Titicaca special?
They have man-made islands with floating houses on them.