Fun Facts

How big should treats be for dogs?

The size of a cheerio.


How often should you feed fish?

About twice a day. You should feed a fish lightly roughly twice a day, and allow them 16-24 hours to digest their food before another feeding.


You should clean your pet rodent’s habitat where if possible?

Outside to limit the possibility of germs and contaminants from your pets interacting with human living spaces.


Like deer, a female rabbit is called what?

A doe.


You should have one of these for each of your cats.

Litter boxes.


When training cats, keep the sessions short focusing on one behavior and using what to motivate them?

Cats respond to positive reinforcement, no punishment for bad behavior. If you don’t want your cat to do something, reward them when they are doing what you want.


Name one food dogs can eat and one food they can’t.

  • Can- Watermelon, green beans, plain popcorn, blueberries, bananas, cucumbers, pork

  • Can’t- Avocado, onions, garlic, chocolate, grapes, raisins, corn on the cob, cooked bones, macadamia nuts


Lizards are cold blooded animals, therefore what is crucial to have in their habitat?

Some sort of heat lamp/light source (70-85 degrees).


How do guinea pigs express excitement?

By performing little hops in the air called “popcorning”.


Much like cats, rabbits do what to stay clean?

They bathe themselves.


How long should you train a rabbit per day?

About 2 to 3 short lessons (lasting anywhere from 5-10 minutes per lesson).


Cats have a more acidic digestive track which means what?

They need more meat in their diet.


Where do dogs tend to sweat?

Dogs can only sweat (like humans) around their paws. Dogs cool down by panting because of their lack of sweat glands.


True or False: Fish grow to the size of their tank.

False. Fish have a natural genetic size, but growth can be stunted by improper tank size, poor diet, or appropriate water conditions.

Rodents have 2 front teeth that continue to grow which is why they?

Rodents need to trim and sharpen their 2 teeth which is why they cause so much damage by chewing on things around their environment.


In order to train your pet rat, what will motivate them the most?

Food and routine are the best motivator for rats, especially when trying to train rats under 2 years of age.


Rabbit owners should make sure their diet is high in what?

Fiber. Rabbits have very sensitive stomachs and owners should research the best foods for them.


Cats have an extra organ that allows them to do what?

Taste smells in the air using their vomeronasal organ.


Why do dogs curl up in a ball when sleeping?

To protect their organs.


How often should you clean a bearded dragon’s cage?

Once a month. You should replace water, food, and remove droppings daily, but deep clean once a month.


How do you train a lizard to recognize your scent?

Handle all of their food so your scent is mixed in, allowing them to learn to trust you.


When buying pellet food, what percentage of crude protein should it be?



Rabbits are unable to do what when sick?

Rabbits cannot vomit. Their digestive tract cannot move backwards.


How many toes should a cat have?

18, 5 on each front paw and 4 on each back paw.


How often should you brush your dog’s teeth?

Twice a day is the ideal amount, but at least 3 times a week will prevent tartar and plague buildup.