Fiction Thinking Jobs

Peter Rabbit

Which of these events in the story causes Peter to run on four legs?

a. They got stuck in a gooseberry nest

b. Peter lost his shoes in the cabbage and potatoes

c. His mom told them to take it off

He lost his shoes in the tool shed. 

b. Peter lost his shoes in the cabbage and potatoes


The interaction between Peter and his mom in section 11 suggests that his mom-

a. His mom forgot that he was gone

b. Is extremely upset with him

c. always takes care of Peter even if he does what he isn't supposed to.

d. She did not want to let Peter back into the house

c. always takes care of Peter even if he does what he isn't supposed to.


Why is it important to the story that Omer talks about his father?

a. He misses his dad and starts diving to honor the memory of his dad.

b. he must dive for pearls because of the dept he inherited from his father

c. all the people he works with knew his father

d. Omer's dad teaches him to dive

b. he must dive for pearls because of the dept he inherited from his father


What is the best summary of the story "Tale of Peter Rabbit?"

a. Peter the Rabbit was naughty and ran straight to Mr. McGregors garden. He was caught and then ran all around the garden trying to find a way out. He finally slipped under the gate and made it home. 

b. Mrs. Rabbit told her children not to go to Mr. M's garden. Peter did not listen to her and went to the garden anyway. He ate vegetables until he got sick. 

c. Peter slipped under the gate and was able to run home. When he got home, his mom was busy cooking Peter drank some tea before he went to bed. 

d. Peter was caught in the vegetable garden and ran away. He lost his shoes and then ran into the shed. Peter hid in the shed until Mr. M went back to work. 

a. Peter the Rabbit was naughty and ran straight to Mr. McGregors garden. He was caught and then ran all around the garden trying to find a way out. He finally slipped under the gate and made it home.


What is another word for THEME?

The message


Which sentence shows how Peter felt about getting lost?

a. Peter gave himself up for lost, and shed big tears; but his sobs were overheard by some friendly sparrows

b. it was a blue jacket with brass buttons, quite new. 

c. After losing them, he ran on four legs and went faster, so that he might have got away altogether if he had not run into a gooseberry net.

d. After a time he began to wander about, going lippity-lippity-not very fast, and looking all around. 

a. Peter gave himself up for lost, and shed big tears; but his sobs were overheard by some friendly sparrows


What is the strategy you practiced with Mr. Reveles this week to think about the characters in an event








What is the strategy you use to make an inference about a detail in the text...

Detail and inference chart


What strategy did you practice with Mr. Reveles this week to help you find the summary of the story- 

(Remember to use your 5 fingers!)








What is the main message of The Tale of Peter Rabbit?

a. be happy with what you have and don't be envious of others

b. treat others the way you want to be treated

c. if you listen to your parents, you can avoid some trouble

d. practice makes perfect

c. if you listen to your parents, you can avoid some trouble


The Main Conflict is resolved when-

a. Peter hides in the toolshed until its safe to go home. 

b. Peter slips under the gate and runs home

c. He runs on four legs and goes fast enough to escape

d. He went through the door in the wall and went home. 

b. Peter slips under the gate and runs home


Which of these sentences show that Peter does not listen to his mom?

a. He lost one of his shoes among the cabbages, and the other shoes amongst the potatoes

b. But Peter who was very naughty, ran straight away to Mr. McGregor's garden and squeezed under the gate

c. After a time he began to wander about, going lippity lipitty not very fast, and looking all around. 

d. And then, feeling rather sick, he went to look for some parsley. 

b. But Peter who was very naughty, ran straight away to Mr. McGregor's garden and squeezed under the gate


In section 9 what is the most likely reason Omer calls himself a pearl diver?

a. He was able to stay under water for over a minute

b. his dad said he was proud of him

c. he was proud because he was able to get some shells

d. The other divers called him one. 


c. he was proud because he was able to get some shells


What is the best summary of Omer's Big Dive?

a (see your work packet)




A - Omer inherited dept from his father and had to become a diver. He dived into the water and found some shells that might have pearls. He made it back to the surface and felt accomplished. 


What is the main message of Omer's Big Dive?

a. Working together gets a lot done.

b. Do the right things, even if it is hard to do.

c. Sometimes you must do a difficult task earn a wage

d. done be greedy

c. Sometimes you must do a difficult task earn a wage


Which of these events in the story causes Peter to get lost?

a. when peter decides to walk home after visiting the garden

b. Peter had forgotten his way back to the gate

c. Peter ran away from Mr. Mcgregor

d. He could not fit through the gate anymore

c. Peter ran away from Mr. Mcgregor


In section 2, what is the most likely reason that Mrs Rabbit tells her children to not go into Mr. McGregor's garden? 

a. She is afraid they will be made into pie

b. she wants them to stay home while she is gone

c. she is afraid they will get too sick from eating too much

d. she does not want them to steal from him

a. She is afraid they will be made into pie


Which sentence does the author use to suggest that Omers father was great diver? 

a. "Your father was bald and deaf, like the rest of us"

b. Father was lean and brown with strong shoulders and a powerful chest. He could hold his breath for more than two minutes underwater. 

c. When father died, I inherited his dept, and to repay it, I needed to make more money than I used to make as an errand boy. 

d. A line of divers tugged on ropes that snaked from the ship into the sea.

b. Father was lean and brown with strong shoulders and a powerful chest. He could hold his breath for more than two minutes underwater.


Which is the best summary of Miguel and Tia Lola?

a.Miguel and his sister are excited because school has been cancelled for the day. Unfortunately, their plans for the day have changed to help their aunt.

b.Miguel is excited for a snow day, but he and his mom notice that his Tia has not come downstairs. After realizing that she might be homesick, Miguel makes a special surprise in the snow to make her feel welcomed.

c. Miguel did not know how to spell a word in Spanish. With some help from his mother, Miguel learns a new word in Spanish and writes it in the snow.

d. Miguel’s mother is disappointed that he has to work on a snow day. Luckily, Tia Lola is staying with them and watches the children as they play in the snow while mom works.

b.Miguel is excited for a snow day, but he and his mom notice that his Tia has not come downstairs. After realizing that she might be homesick, Miguel makes a special surprise in the snow to make her feel welcomed.


What is the theme of the story of Tia Lola and Miguel?

a. Difficult questions are not easy to answer.

b. Patience is required for success.

c. A simple act of kindness can go a long way.

d. Success is possible through hard work.

c. A simple act of kindness can go a long way.


On your white board or piece of paper draw a plot diagram that shows:

The problem 

The solution

And 3 key events from Peter Rabbit

Must include:

Peter is lost in Mr. Mcgregors garden

Peter finally escapes through the gate.


The interaction between Peter and Mr. McGregor in section 4 suggest that Mr. Mcgregor-

a. was angry that Peter stole food from his garden

b. forgave Peter

c. felt bad for Peter

d. did not care that Peter stole vegetables from him

a. was angry that Peter stole food from his garden


"What if Im bitten by a shark or stung by a jelly fish? What if my saib doesn't feel me tug the rope when I'm ready to come up for air?"

Omer is likely thinking-

a. All the different ways that his job might go wrong

b. How he can make his dad proud of him

c. that he is ready to dive for pearls

d. he does not think he will be as successful as his father 

a. All the different ways that his job might go wrong


Use a SWBST chart on your paper or white board to write a quick summary of the story Omer's Big Dive

Must include

Problem: Omer needed money to pay off his father's dept

Solution: Omer feels good about his first pearl dive


What is a theme? How can you determine the theme?

A theme is a message of a story that can apply to everyone. We can think of common topics and decide if there is a listen the character learned that applies to everyone.