Someone who actively seeks new knowledge, skills, and experiences that will add to professional and personal growth
Life-Long Learner
Advancing to a higher level of skill to increase your usefulness
Learning new and different skills so that you can retain the same level of employability
Asks questions to be sure you are qualified for a job opening
Job Application
Lists your strong and weak points along with plans for improvement as you prepare for a career
Self-Assessment Inventory
Describes you work experience, education, abilities, interests, and other information that may be of interest to an employer
People who have known you at least 1 year & can provide information about your skills, character, and achievement
Statement attesting to your character, abilities, and experience, written by someone who can be relied upon to give a sincere report
Reference Letter
Face-to-face meeting with a potential employer to discuss a job opening
Job Interview
School records listing the courses with your credits and grades
Contact with the employer after the interview but before the hiring occurs
Expected to reach within a few days or weeks
Short-term Goal
Wish to accomplish in the next few months or years
Intermediate Goals
Want to achieve in 5-10 years or longer
Long-term Goals
the knowledge and skills acquired from working in a career field
Process of gathering and analyzing data from a variety of sources and summarizing it into useful information
Data Mining
Occurs when the economy is growing, and new workers are being hired
Job Creation
Economic event where jobs are eliminated
Job in which you do a task or a service for a person or business
Service Job
secondary occupation, while also working full-time for an employer
Side Business
Provides a good income for the owner and allows him/her more freedom to meet personal needs
Lifestyle Business
Continues to grow and will eventually become a large corporation
Venture Business
Formal document that outlines the path a business intends to take to earn and grow revenues
Business Plan
Disadvantages of Self-employment
Risk, difficult to get credit, long hours
Advantages of Self-employment
Make the decisions, be your own boss, keep the profits