How many pairs of every kind of clean animal, did Noah take into the ark? Genesis 7:2
What is Seven?
The first commandment with promise. Ephesians 6:2
What is honor thy father and mother?
Moses received the ten commandments on this mountain. Exodus 31:18
What is Mount Sinai?
These three disciples were Jesus' closest friends. Matthew 17:1
Who is Peter, James and John?
How many brothers did Joseph have?
What is eleven?
When God created man, He formed man from what? Genesis 2:7
What is the dust of the ground?
The shield represents this piece of Christian armor. Ephesians 6:16
What is Faith?
Ahab was the king of this country. I Kings 20:3
What is Israel?
This person betrayed Jesus. Mark 3:7, 19
Who is Judas?
How many days and nights did it rain when Noah was on the ark?
What is forty?
Jacob made this for Joseph. Genesis 37:3
What is a coat of many colors?
The beggar near Jericho had this physical difficulty. Luke 18:35
What is Blindness?
Nebuchadnezzar was the king of this country. 2 Kings 24:1
What is Babylon?
God anointed Jesus with this. Acts 10:38
What is Holy spirit and power?
Who was Jesus’ adoptive father on Earth?
Who is Joseph?
How many years did David reign as king over Israel? 1 Kings 2:11-12
What is Forty?
The parable of the fig tree is recorded in this book and chapter.
What is Matthew 24?
This city was referred to as the city of David. Luke 2:4
What is Bethlehem?
Jesus said this was the greatest display of love. John 15:13
What is a man lay down his life for his friends?
Who spoke from the sky when Jesus was baptized?
Who is God?
God asked Ezekiel not to weep over the death of whom? Ezekiel 24:16
Who is his wife?
Finish this verse. “In every battle you will need faith as your ______ to stop the fiery arrows aimed at you by Satan.”
What is Sheild?
Isaiah lived here. Isaiah 1:1
What is Jerusalem?
This prophet gave the prophecy "He ws wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for out iniquities...and with his stripes we are healed". Isaiah 53:5
Who is Isaiah?
What is the shortest verse in the Bible?
What is John 11:35 "Jesus wept."?