Where do most attacks NOT occur
Public spaces - malls, open streets, etc
What percentage of attacks are unarmed?
A little over 60%
Demonstrate ready stance
Ready Stance (11 hands)
What is the best type of fight?
De-escalation/avoiding/not fighting
What is one way we described to better the chances of your own safety?
Travel in groups
Roughly what percentage of the global population knows self-defense?
Demonstrate a cross-jab-jab
A person who experiences the abuse
What piece of equipment did we suggest to use when in a dangerous situation/alerting others?
A whistle or other (loud) noise-making device
What age range most typically reported assaults
Swat away an attacker's punch
Swats with the form learned during the lesson
Define secondary victims
Someone who witnesses the abuse
What tool commonly found on college campuses did we say to be aware of for your own safety?
Emergency Call Boxes
What number of people per 1,000 people are victims of violent crimes in NJ (hint: lower than national average of 3.47 victims per 1,000 people)
1.56 (give points for getting between 1.4-1.7)
Demonstrate a push kick or Superman punch
Correctly performs one of the moves listed
What was one of the traits we said that self-defense could increase in an individual?
What common distractions can limit your personal situational awareness?
Name one: walking with earbuds in, looking down at the ground or your phone, wandering without a visible purpose, and more (reward points if a reasonable answer not listed above is given).
For the best chances of safety, AFTER defending yourself or temporarily incapacitating your attacker what should you do?
Get away from the situation
Correctly performs each of the moves
Try to think of one way to keep yourself safe that was not covered in this jeopardy
Examples of a correct answer: stay in well-lit areas, having a plan for how to get out or where to go in the case of a dangerous situation in a place where you are frequently (home, school, work, and other popular locations), and more.