Head Start was created by
Who is President Lyndon B Johnson
2 Outdoor Learning Areas on Rez
Beach, Back Roads, Baseball Field, Community Garden, Learning Garden
Automatic Eligibility
What is TANF, SNAP, Homeless, Foster Care
S'Klallam Greeting
What is ʔə́y̕ skʷáči
Recruitment Area for PGST
On or near the reservation/Kitsap County
Head Start was part of a package deal
What is the War on Poverty
2 Outdoor Activities that Bring Culture Awareness
Gathering Nettles, Dandilions, Cedar, Digging Clams, Singing, Dancing etc
ERSEA Acronym
Eligibility, Recruitment, Selection, Enrollment, Attendance
3 Bands
What is Port Gamble, Jamestown and Elwha
2 Policy Council Members
Who are Tashe, Kat, Jordan, Danielle, Rachel, Amanda, Tawny, Matika, Sanda,
Alternates, Ciarra, Brandalynn, Misty
Head Start Rules
What are the Performance Standards
A plant and its use
Dandelion - baking, tea
Nettles- cooking, tea
Percentage Tribes are required to have to maintain eligibility
What is 51%
Port Gamble Treaty
What is the Treaty of Point No Point
Director and Administrative Director
Who is Jackie Haight and Destiny Wellman
Head Start Report
What is a Program Information Report
A Song that you sing outdoors
Sing the song
Income Eligibility is based on
Federal Poverty Guideline
S'Klallam Song
DOUBLE JEOPARDY ()If you can sing a few bars)
Any Song
Number of EHS/HS Classrooms and 2 names
What is 8
Hummingbird, Kloomachin, Owl, Wolves, Red Ravens, Kingfisher A & B, Raccoons
Head Start Government
What is Policy Council
Month to gather Cedar
2 Documents that verify Eligibility
Pay Stubs, Tax Forms, Written Statement from employer, Signed declaration of no income, 3rd party Interview
Process of Smoking Salmon with what type or Wood
Filet, Salt/Brine/Smoke with Alder
Number of Children that are Federally Funded
What is 20 Head Start and 40 Early Head Start