Chapter 1: Management & Leadership
Professional Development
Chapter 2: Adaptive Leadership
Chapter 3: Six Levels of Leadership
Chapter 4: Personal Level Leadership

Who ideally creates change?



What is a one-page document that summarizes your education, training, and experience?



What is it called when someone follows a leader for a period of time to explore how a leader practices leadership on a daily basis?



What is the AIM Leadership Model?

The idea that leaders have to learn how to take action, learn how to influence the field, and be motivated by the process


Can art benefit our personal leadership? Give an example of how. 



If someone described themselves as more detailed, organized, methodical, and practical, what thinking attribute would most closely align?



What is non-verbal communication? Give an example. 

Body language, facial expressions, eye contact, gestures, and posture. 


What is an adaptive leader? Give an example of a Public Health challenge that requires adaptive leadership.

Individuals who motivate and mobilize others to confront tough challenges and overcome them. 


Describe a "balancer" team member.

They look at the big picture in an objective manner and try to reconcile differences


Name 2 out of the 5 essentials of being a successful public health leader.

Knowledge with the intelligence to use it, empathy and motivation of others, risk taking with action and follow through, ability to communicate at different levels, and systems thinkers


What is a horizontal matrix structure?

Organizational model that involves program specialists from various functional units in an organization to work on a multidisciplinary team to carry out a project or goal-based program


Is it important to gain experience while in college? Why or why not? Give one example. 

Yes. It looks good for applying the different jobs and graduate schools and builds your professional network. 

Clubs, building your own PH opportunity, professional organizations, internships, shadowing


What is an ecological leader?

Leaders who are committed to the development of their leadership skills and competencies throughout their professional careers while at the same time being committed to the appropriate application of these skills within their organizations and communities


How is a Health Director selected? Who appoints members to the Board of Health?

Elected officials or the BOH appoints the Health Director. County Commissioners appoints members to the BOH. 


Name 3 things to help leaders increase their leadership presence.

Having a positive attitude, listening to others, being outgoing and friendly, 80/20 rule, empower others to problem solve, professional appearance, clear communication, be open to criticism, share credit with others, show empathy, keep your temper in check, have individual conversations, and deal with conflict quickly and fairly


What is the difference between transformational and transactional leadership? transformational leadership is

Transformational leadership examines and searches for the needs and motives of others while seeking a higher agenda of needs. Transactional leaders engage others in the reciprocal activity or exchanging one thing for another. 


What is the difference between chronological, skills, and hybrid resumes?

Chronological resumes are the most popular, and preferred resume format. It is used when all of your experience is in the field. Experience is listed in reverse chronological order. 

Skills resumes are used when you have zero experience in the field and is heavily focused on transferable skills.


Describe "Dance Floor Thinking"

A linear perspective that is concerned with details and the individuals in which whom you're interacting with. The leader is concerned with concerned with keeping things in balance and organized. You are a participant in the action


What is a Coalition?

Group of organizations or agencies that come together to change specific problems


What is the name of the tool that leaders use to prepare a yearly learning plan to guide his or her personal learning annually?

Leadership Learning Contract


Name 3 differences between a manager and a leader?

Managers are tied to the present and to the mission of the agencies that they serve, locked in more to the job requirements, focused on making the agency effective and efficient. 

Leaders are less bound by their home agencies and positions, spend a lot of time building relationships with external stakeholders, more oriented in the overall public health vision.


What goes into a professional email?

Clear subject line, concise and professional, have a professional email address, formal greeting, identify yourself, formal closing, and no grammar mistakes


Do all leadership activities lead to successful outcomes? Why or why not?

No. Could depend on the culture of the organization, perceptions and reactions to the leader by employees, competition for status within the organization, the ability of the organization and the leadership to gain trust and acceptance from the community, how information is presented. 


Name 5 functions of a state public health department.

Communicable disease control, tuberculosis control, venereal disease control, acquired immune deficiency syndrome monitoring, industrial hygiene, dental health, laboratory services provision, public health nursing, case management, maternal and child health program provision, public health education, technical provision, public health assistance, public health workforce training, development of new local health departments, epidemiologic surveillance, regulation of healthcare facilities, licensure, inspection, cancer screening, repository for state health data, emergency preparedness and response


Do public health leaders sometime have to take personal risks? Give an example of a personal risk.

Yes. Risks include not always being able to pick the people you work with, working at an organization where our personal values and ethics do not align, the risk of compromise where a solution is lost as a result of compromise, making a decision the leader does not care about or goes against their belief system, and the risk of working in the wrong field.