What Two states were the first to have recreational marijuana
Colorado and Washington
Where was COVID First found
Benjamin Franklin
The emoji form
The Kardashian Family
This drug has a nickname "snow"
Chief Medical Advisor to the President
Anthony Fauci
What is one Dollar in Euros
.84 Euros
The average length of an erect phal (lol)
5 inches
Fiona, Lip, Debbie, Carl, Ian
The Gallaghers
Trippy Skittles
How Effective is the Moderna Vaccine
What is on the back of the New York Quarter
The statue of liberty
How many calories are in seamen
1-7 calories
Alexis, Moira, David and John
The Roses
Which celebrity runs the weed business called "HousePlant"
Seth Rogen
What age should a child start wearing a mask
2 years and older
Who is on the Dime
Franklin Roosevelt
What does the Vas deferens do?
Alex, Haley, Luke , Phil, Claire
If you have flushed skin, small pupils, watery eyes and runny nose, itchy skin, you are probably under the effects of
This company saw a 326% increase in revenue since the Pandemic started
Who is on the 2 Dollar Bill
Thomas Jefferson
What is Priapism
When an erection lasts longer(usually more than4 hours)
Willow, Will, Jada, Jaden
The Smiths