What fruit has red on the inside and green on the outside?
What is another word for entrée.
What is Main course or Dinner
What goes best with eggs
What is bacon
What is the best chip brand in the world?
True or False
Strawberry is the only fruit that has seeds on the outside?
When is National dessert month?
What is October
What type of cuisine is pizza?
What time is usually breakfast??
What are yellow/orange and have salt on them.
What is Goldfish
What fruit is yellow on the outside and has a lot of seeds in the inside?
What is the Healthiest dessert?
what is the most healthiest breakfast?
Which breakfast sandwich looks the ugliest?
What is McDonald's Egg White Delight McMuffin
what is the most healthy snack
Mixed Nuts, Red Bell pepper, Greek yogurt or Apple stick with peanut butter