Fluids that have the same tonicity as body fluids
What are isotonic solutions? (D5W, LR, NS 0.9%) "Stays Put"
Causes of dehydration
What is vomiting, diarrhea, diuresis, and decreased IV replacement?
What does CLABSI stand for?
Central Line Assosciated Bloodstream Infection
Who can receive O- blood?
EVERYONE! Universal donor
Who receives Rhogam?
RH- mother
Fluids that have less tonicity than body fluids
What are hypotonic solutions? (tap water, 0.45% NaCl, 0.33% NACl) "Hydrates Cells"
Causes of circulatory overload
What is increased IV fluids, kidney failure, and heart failure?
Frequency to change a central line dressing
Who can a AB- patient receive blood from?
AB-, A-, B-, O-
When is Rhogam given?
RH- mother @ 28 weeks, then 72 hours after delivery of RH+ baby OR miscarriage/abortion
Fluids that have more tonicity than body fluids
What are hypertonic solutions? (D10W, D5NS, Albumin) "Expands Volume"
The skin elasticity of a dehydrated patient
What is slow skin recoil?
When drawing blood from a central line you should...
Discard the first 5-10mL
Who can a A- patient give blood to?
A+, A-, AB+, AB-
Who needs to be at the bedside before administering blood products?
TWO RN's- Verify ABO and RH
Fluids to avoid if the patient has kidney issues, heart disease, or dehydrated
Hypertonic: Shrinks the cells which results in a loss of water.
Signs and symptoms of circulatory overload
What is tachycardia, neck vein distension, HTN, tachypnea, and pulmonary edema
Valsalva Maneuver
Have the patient perform this when removing a central line to prevent an air embolism
Who can a AB+ patient receive blood from?
EVERYONE! Universal recipient
The only fluid that can hang with blood
0.9% NaCl
When giving hypotonic solutions, monitor for this symptom
Increased intercranial pressure/cerebral edema; "Makes Cells Swell".
Labs of a dehydrated patient
Urine specific gravity > 1.030, K >5.0, Sodium >145, HCT > M56, F47
Why is a central line placed?
For long term treatments such as chemo, antibiotics, TPN, or frequent blood draws.
Who can O+ give blood to?
O+, A+, B+, AB+
Hemolytic Reaction
Chills, backpain, dyspnea... STOP TRANSFUSION