Undesired, or negative, effects of a drug
adverse effects
Characteristic of drugs selective in their action and are effective against only a few microorganisms
narrow spectrum
Colony stimulating factors increase the bodies production of what?
WBC production
Which phase of anesthesia includes the period from which stage 3 is achieved until the completion of a surgical procedure
Common adverse effect of a nonselective beta blocker that may warrant the notification of the health care provider
Most identified cause leading to a cumulative drug effect:
renal failure
Term used for drugs known to destroy bacteria
Immunizations illicit this type of immunity?
active immunity
Specific dietary restriction for a patient taking levodopa for Parkinson's disease
Vitamin B6
Atropine, an anticholinergic drug, is administered for bradycardia and works by which action
blocking parasympathetic vagal stimulation
Educating patients regarding drug administration takes place in which phase of the nursing process
Combination therapy is used for the treatment of HIV for this primary reason
attack virus at different points of the life cycle
Antivenin therapy is used for protection from what
spider or snake bites
increased blood pressure
Epinephrine causes relaxation of:
The term used to describe the physiological process of absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion
Diagnostic test used to determine appropriate antibiotic therapy
culture & sensitivity
Immune modulator drugs are known to cause what common adverse effect
Risk for infection
Priority assessment when determining the effectiveness of an antimigraine medication
migraine pain
Therapeutic effect of the sympathomimetic drug, dopamine, used to treat shock
increased blood pressure
Prior to medication administration, to ensure safety, the nurse must complete this, every single time.
rights of medication administration
Antineoplastic therapy can cause significant bone marrow suppression. What priority action must be implemented.
infection prevention
The action of NSAIDS
inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins
It may take this many weeks to see/feel the therapeutic effects of an SSRI
4 weeks
Indirect acting cholinergic agonists are used to treat Alzheimer's disease. In what two ways do they work?
increases stimulation of acetylcholine and slows progression of disease