Sepsis One
Sepsis Two
Sepsis Three

Infused at a low dose (1-5 mcg/kg/min) this continuous IV drip stimulates dopaminergic receptors leading to vasodilation of renal blood vessels. 

What is Dopamine?


This is the drug classification of Amiodarone.

What is anti-arrhythmic?


This is an antiemetic, which blocks the action of serotonin to prevent nausea and vomiting.

What is Zofran (ondansetron)?


Fluids used during resuscitation of a septic patient, such as 0.9% NS, LR, or dextrose solutions.

What are crystalloids?


These are risks associated with administering large volumes of crystalloids. 

What is fluid volume overload and electrolyte imbalances?


Dilaudid (hydromorphone) is a powerful opioid pain medication that can cause these unwanted effects to the patient's vital signs. 

What is hypotension and respiratory depression?


Propofol is a short-acting IV anesthetic agent used to sedate intubated patients. Because of ___________, use of this medication creates a high risk for infection. 

What is high lipid content?


These fluids create oncotic pressure helping to retain fluid in the intravascular space. Examples are albumin or hespan

What are colloids?


Enzyme that breaks down carbohydrates in the pancreas?

What is Amylase? 

(normal is 25-125)


This medication is given 1mg every 3 to 5 minutes to a patient in cardiac arrest. 

What is epinephrine?


Levophed is utilized in septic, cardiogenic, and hypovolemic shock, stimulating alpha-adrenergic receptors, to create what physiological response? 

What is vasoconstriction? 

will also accept What is increased blood pressure and/or SVR: systemic vascular resistance? 


An elevation of lactic acid in the blood stream is indicative of ______?

What is cellular hypoxia? 


This medication works by blocking multiple cardiac ion channels: K+, Na, CA which stabilizes the cardiac cell membrane and prolongs the cardiac action potential. 

What is Amiodarone?


Also known as anti-diuretic hormone or ADH, this naturally occurring hormone, when utilized as an IV infusion is a potent vasoconstrictor that works to increase blood pressure and SVR. 

What is Vasopressin?


An elevation of this lab result is an indicator of liver failure and/or biliary obstruction.

What is ALT? 

(normal 4-36)