
How do you use a nebulizer?

Insert tube into compressor and medication cup, add the correct dose of medication to the cup, insert cup into T piece and turn nebulizer on, put the mouthpiece in your mouth (or if you have a spacer put that over your mouth and nose) inhale and exhale deeply for 5-10 minute, turn the nebulizer off, take apart the tube, cup, etc and wash all parts, dry tubing, and other parts. 


What are the four main functions of the Gastrointestinal System?

Ingestion, Digestion, Absorption, Elimination


What is rhinitis?

Inflammation of the mucus membranes in the nose.


What is the lifecycle of a virus?

Attach, enter, uncoat, replicate, assemble, release


Can someone use thalidomide today? 

Yes, as of 1992 it was approved by the FDA.


What is the BP for HTN (usually)? 

BP higher than 140/90

What is the role of the pancreas and what it secretes? 

The pancreas secretes enzymes that digest fats, carbs, and protein. It also helps to neutralize stomach acid. 


What two phases do asthma attacks consist of? 

bronchospasms and bronchoconstriction 


Where are fungal infections found?

on skin or in lungs


A patient who is one month pregnant came in for a refill on her paroxetine, can she get it? 

No, it's a contraindication for pregnancy. 


What does a stroke cause?

Minor: temporary dizziness, slight weakness/ numbness. Serious: speech impairment, memory problems, loss of motor control. Some: affect parts of the brain that regulate heart and lung functions (can kill a person in minutes) 


What does phag/o mean?



Name differences between COPD and Asthma

Asthma is common in children and COPD is most commonly caused by smoking. Asthma can be cured COPD cannot. COPD is chronic and leads to emphysema. 


What is a fungus 

A primitive organism that lives on air, soil, and water humans and absorbs  nutrients from its environment (or host) 

The FDA recalled gabepentin, what needs to be done? (class 1 recall)

Notify all patients who received the product and the product will be pulled from the market and placed in a specific area until they are returned to market (or disposed of depending on the recall notice.


What is "The Jungle" about? What laws came because of it? 

Upton Sinclair spent time in a meat packing plant. In the book, he exposed the unsanitary conditions and adulteration of food. In 1906 Teddy R. lawed the Pure food and Drug Act.  


What is Crohn's disease and what are its symptoms? 

Inflammation of the intestines. Symptoms include: diarrhea, fever fatigue, abdominal pain, inflammation outside of the intestinal tract (skin, eyes joints)


How does the gas exchange work? (detailed)

Oxygen enters the alveoli and gets diffused into the bloodstream then binds to hemoglobin in red blood cells during inhalation, at the same time carbon dioxide is diffused from the blood into the alveoli during exhalation. 

What does VEARS do?

Ensures the safety strategies of vaccines and reduces the risks associated with them. 


Sarah is going on a trip to Kentucky for a month. She needs a refill on her hydrocodone acetaminophen and requests for prescription to be sent to Kentucky so she can get the refill there since she is already on the road. Once the trip is over she wants to have the prescription transferred back to her home pharmacy, can she? 



Describe the thalidomide tragedy and what happened after it. 

In the 1950-1960s thalidomide was given to children who had leprosy because it helped with sleep and getting rid of it. It was labeled a wonder drug and became widespread. Crippled children were seen due to the use of thalidomide and people tried to deny that it was. It was taken off the market and banned in 1962. In response to the thalidomide tragedy the Kafauver-Harris Amendments of 1962 happened. This made medications label their use and made people have to file an INDA for new medications with the FDA and established GMP. It made patents, informed consent for drug refills, and Rx drug advertising under the authority of  the FDA 


What is Gastroparesis?

A condition where muscles in the stomach don't move food in order for it to digest, delayed gastric emptying 


Name 5 parts of the respiratory system.

The nose, mouth, pharynx, larynx, trachea, lungs, arteries, veins, capillaries, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli


What is Guillian Barre Syndrome? 

The body's immune system attacks your nerves causing weakness and tingling in hands/feet that later lead to paralysis of the entire body. 


A mother came in with her 2 month old to get the fluzone shot, can the baby receive it?
