What is a drug?
A substance other than food that has a physiological effect on the body.
What are analgesics?
Medications that relieve pain.
What does 'administer' mean?
To give or apply something.
What defines a medicine?
A specific form of a drug with a defined dose used to prevent, diagnose, control, and treat medical conditions.
What is a common side effect of laxatives?
very watery stool
What is subcutaneous administration?
under epidermis
What are OTC? give an example
Over the counter medication!
What are antihistamines?
to treat allergy
which routes for suppositories
acupuncture is a type of _______
Homeopathic treatment /complementary
What are antacid
relieves indigestions
which is best route for prolonged intake of medicine
what is the difference between Prescribed and controlled medicine
Controlled medicine needs more monitoring
what is one of the most prescribed medicines in the word
what is the most common route for medicine