Something isnt Right
You cant have any pudding until you eat your meat.
Meet the flinstones
It looks like soup
why is there so much to know?

Patient X is diagnosed with constipation. As a knowledgeable nurse, which nursing intervention is appropriate for maintaining normal bowel function?

A) Assessing dietary intake

B) Decreasing fluid intake

C) Providing limited physical activity

D) Turning, coughing, and deep breathing

A) Assessing dietary intake

Assessing dietary intake provides a foundation for the client’s usual practices and may help determine if the client is prone to constipation or diarrhea.


A nurse provides instructions to a client regarding the administration of the prednisone and instructs the client that the best time to take the medication is during?

  •  A. Before breakfast
  •  B. After breakfast
  •  C. Evening
  •  D. Before bedtime

B. After breakfast

Prednisone is a corticosteroid (glucocorticoids) and It should be administered early in the morning because it helps in decreasing the risk for adrenal insufficiency and stimulates the burst of glucocorticoids released naturally by the adrenal glands each morning.


Which is NOT a fat-soluble vitamin?

Vitamin C

Vitamin A

Vitamin E

Vitamin D

Vitamin C

A nurse is preparing to hang the initial bag of the parenteral nutrition (PN) solution via the central line of a malnourished client. The nurse ensure the availability of which medical equipment before hanging the solution?

A) Glucometer.

B) Dressing tray.

C) Nebulizer.

D) Infusion pump.

D) Infusion Pump

The nurse should prepare an infusion pump prior hanging a parenteral solution. The use of an infusion pump is important to make sure that the solution does not infuse too quickly or delayed since the parenteral nutrition has a high glucose content.


Bisacodyl has been ordered for a patient who hasn't pooped in days, what is biscadoyl going to do to help this?

A) Increases peristalsis to produce a bowel movement.

B) is incompatible with alcohol consumption

C) should be avoided during pregnancy as it is teratogenic

D) May lead to paralytic ileus

A) Increases peristalsis to produce a bowel movement.


What are some signs of hypocalcemia? Select all that apply

A) Urinary Retention

B) Carpopedal spasms

C) Twitching of the mouth

D) Seizures

B) Carpopedal spasms

C) Twitching of the mouth

D) Seizures



A client with diabetes insipidus is taking antidiuretic hormone. Which of the following symptoms would alert the need to decrease the dosage?

  •  A. Alopecia
  •  B. Jaundice
  •  C. Diarrhea
  •  D. Drowsiness

D. Drowsiness

One of the side effects of taking antidiuretic hormone is water intoxication which is manifested by a headache, drowsiness, light-headedness, and shortness of breath. This could indicate the need to reduce the dosage.


Anemia is caused by a lack of what mineral?







A patient receiving parenteral nutrition is administered via the following routes except:

A) Subclavian line.

B) Central Venous Catheter.

C) PICC (Peripherally inserted central catheter) line.

D) PEG tube.

D) PEG tube

Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG tube) is inserted into a person's stomach through the abdominal wall that is used to provide a means of feeding when oral intake is not adequate. While Parenteral nutrition bypasses the digestive system by the administration to the bloodstream..


A patient with a gastric ulcer is ordered sucralfate. What is this medication going to help with?

A) calm the patient to reduce acid production.

B) block the H2 receptors

C) Neutralize the gastric acids

D) Coat the gastric lining.

D) Coat the gastric lining


Khaleesi is admitted in the hospital due to having lower than normal potassium level in her bloodstream. Her medical history reveals vomiting and diarrhea prior to hospitalization. Which foods should the nurse instruct the client to increase?

A) Whole grains and nuts

B) Milk products and green, leafy vegetables

C) Pork products and canned vegetables

D) Orange juice and bananas

D) Orange juice and bananas


Prednisone is prescribed for a client with diabetes mellitus who is using Humulin 70/30 daily. Which of the following prescription changes does the nurse expect during the medication therapy?

  •  A. An addition of an oral hypoglycemic medication
  •  B. Increased dosage of prednisone
  •  C. Increased dosage of humulin 70/30
  •  D. Decreased dosage of humulin 70/30

C. Increased dosage of humulin 70/30

Prednisone, a glucocorticoid, can cause an increase in blood glucose level due to the ability of the liver to be resistant to insulin during the medication therapy, hence people with diabetes need to increase the dosage of their insulin.


_______ is needed to form and maintain healthy skin and for growth and development of our body. 

Vitamin D

Vitamin A

Vitamin K

Vitamin E

Vitamin A


A nurse is caring for a group of clients on a medical-surgical nursing unit. The nurse recognizes that which of the following clients would be the least likely candidate for parenteral nutrition?

A) A 55-year-old with persistent nausea and vomiting from chemotherapy.

B) A 44-year old client with ulcerative colitis.

C) A 59-year old client who had an appendectomy.

D) A 25-year old client with a Hirschprung's Disease.

C) A 59-year old client who had an appendectomy

The client with an appendectomy is not a candidate because this client would resume a regular diet within a few days following the surgery.


The Central Nervous System is made of two main parts:

A) heart and brain

B) Brain and Eyes

C) frontal lobe and Brain

D) Brain and Spinal Cord

D) Brain and spinal cord


Nurse John Joseph is totaling the intake and output for Elena Reyes, a client diagnosed with septicemia who is on a clear liquid diet. The client intakes 8 oz of apple juice, 850 ml of water, 2 cups of beef broth, and 900 ml of half-normal saline solution and outputs 1,500 ml of urine during the shift. How many milliliters should the nurse document as the client’s intake. 

A) 2,230

B) 2,740

C) 2,470

D) 2,320

C) 2470

 fluid intake includes 8 oz (240 ml) of apple juice, 850 ml of water, 2 cups (480 ml) of beef broth, and 900 ml of I.V. fluid for a total of 2,470 ml intake for the shift.


A nurse is instructing a client regarding intranasal vasopressin (Pitressin). The nurse tells the client which of the following is a side effect specific to the medication?

  •  A. Rhinitis
  •  B. Headache
  •  C. Flushing
  •  D. Nausea

A. Rhinitis

  • Option A: High doses of vasopressin administered via intranasal route may cause rhinitis and nasal congestion.

 Lack of Vitamin D can lead to __________, the softening and weakening of bones, leading to bowing of legs.



Spinal Bifida




A group of nursing students are studying together. They are discussing the differences between parenteral and enteral nutrition. Which statement, if made by one of the students, indicates further instruction is needed?
A) "Parenteral nutrition is the administration of nutrients directly into the GI tract by way of a feeding tube."
B) "Enteral nutrition is preferred because it is less expensive than parenteral nutrition and maintains functioning of the gut."
C) "An example of the parenteral route is subcutaneous or IM injections, or the IV route."
D) "Gastric feedings may be given to patients with a low risk of aspiration. If there is a risk of aspiration, jejunal feeding is the preferred method. Parenteral nutrition is provided if the patient's GI tract is nonfunctional."

A) "Parenteral nutrition is the administration of nutrients directly into the GI tract by way of a feeding tube."

The purpose of parenteral feedings is to bypass the GI tract.


 A stroke in the primary motor area has caused Don to lose control over his skeletal muscles on the right side of his body. What lobe of his brain was damaged?

A) occipital lobe

B) temporal lobe

C) frontal lobe

D) parietal lobe

C) Frontal lobe


Marie Joy’s lab test revealed that her serum calcium is 2.5 mEq/L. Which assessment data does the nurse document when a client diagnosed with hypocalcemia develops a carpopedal spasm after the blood-pressure cuff is inflated?

A) Positive Trousseau’s sign

B) Positive Chvostek’s sign

C) Tetany

D) Paresthesia

A) Positive Trousseau's sign

In a client with hypocalcemia, a positive Trousseau’s sign refers to carpopedal spasm that develops usually within 2 to 5 minutes after applying and inflating a blood pressure cuff to about 20 mm Hg higher than systolic pressure on the upper arm. This spasm occurs as the blood supply to the ulnar nerve is obstructed.


A nurse is giving discharge instructions to a patient who is taking Synthroid (levothyroxine). The nurse instructs the client to notify the physician if which of the following occurs?

  •  A. Cold intolerance
  •  B. Tremors
  •  C. Coarse, dry hair
  •  D. Muscle cramps

B. Tremors

Excessive doses of levothyroxine can produce signs and symptoms of hyperthyroidism which includes heat tolerance, tremors, nervousness, tachycardia, chest pain, hyperthermia, and insomnia.


This helps your immune system, and the ability to heal

Vitamin D



Vitamin C

Vitamin C


The nurse is inserting an NG feeding tube for the first time. Which action, if made by the nurse, indicates further instruction is needed?
A) The nurse dips the end of the tube into a glass of water to activate the lubricant.
B) The nurse has the patient flex the head as the tube is inserted into the naris.
C) The nurse aims back and down toward the ear.
D) The nurse advances the tube as the patient swallows.

B) The nurse has the patient flex the head as the tube is inserted into the naris.


the central nervous system______________

A) is the control center of the body. 

B) the main body system. 

A) is the control center of the body.