Cardio/ HTN
Antiinflam/anti infec
The nurse instructs the patient to take this type of medication 30-60 minutes before departure and then 30 minutes before meals.
What is an antivertigo medication?
The MD has ordered this medication because it opens the blood vessels, increasing blood supply to the heart during exercise. It helps prevent acute angina.
What is the action of a long acting nitrate?
The nurse instructs the patient to get a friend to drive them home from the ED and not to do anything that requires alertness.
What is the nursing instruction for a patient who has just been given Compazine or a narcotic?
A patient on this medication for arthritis needs to be told that this treatment may slow or halt the progression of the disease.
What is the expected outcome of treatment with penicillamine?
The lab value will show high levels of uric acid and the patient will be complaining of pain in their joint space -typically the great toe.
What is gout?
This is the medication of choice for a patient with a duodenal ulcer when H2 antagonist treatment has failed.
What is Protonix?
This drug is given to spare potassium - it works by affecting the exchange of sodium and potassium excretion.
What is Aldactone?
Morphine sulfate is the usual drug of choice for a trauma patient.
What is the drug of choice for pain in an acute trauma patient?
High doses of NSAID's may be necessary to get the antiinflammatory response.
What is the amount of NSAID's that may be needed to relieve the pain?
The gluteus maximus is the muscle of choice for administering this medication.
What is the best place to give an IM injection of gold salts?
This new antidiabetic drug works by inhibiting glucagon secretion.
What is GLP-1 or incretin hormones?
Always take the B/P and HR before administering these medications. The perimeters usually are to hold the meds if systolic is <100 or the HR is less than 60.
What is the protocol for giving antihypertensives and beta blockers.
This is a tool used to measure a patients pain level.
What is a pain scale?
When on this therapy to relieve pain the nurse instructs the patient to report any blood in their stool.
What is the adverse effect to taking ASA?
This is the medication of choice for severe rheumatoid arthritis that is unresponsive to other treatments.
What is methotrexate?
When a patient has been on oral hypoglycemics and he presents with polyuria, polydipsia, and polyphagia the physician may order insulin.
What is the treatment for a patient not controlled on oral hypoglycemics
This drug catagory is used to treat many disease states,it effects the heart and blood pressure and their names usually end in "lol".
What is a beta blocker?
Constipation and dry mouth are their usual complaints.
What are the typical complaints of an abuser of narcotics?
This is the drug of choice for treating osteoarthritis.
What is acetaminophene?
This is the group of drugs that is effective against a wide variety of organisms.
What is a broad spectrum antibiotic?
Nervousness, weakness, confusion, hunger, pallor.
What are the S/S of hypoglycemia or when BS is<60mg/dL.
0.5 to 2.0 is theraputically acceptable and 2.5 is an overdose.
What is the serum level range of digitalis that is acceptable and that is too much?
This is the drug of choice when morphine has not been effective. This drug also minimizes some of the side effects.
What is Dilaudid?
The advice is to not take this product for fever or pain because it has been linked to Reye's syndrome.
What is the advice to parents of children regarding taking ASA?
Tinnitus is a common adverse reaction to many antibiotics and ASA but vertigo is the most common adverse reaction to this antibiotic.
What is typical adverse reaction to minocycline?