Other Medications
Antineoplastic Medications
Antihypertensive Medications
Miscellaneous Meds
An Inhaled short-acting β2-agonists used for asthma & COPD
What is Albuterol (ProAir HFA, Proventil HFA) Levalbuterol (Xopenex HFA)
This class of medications will MOST CERTAINLY be given prior to/during and post chemotherapy administration. This class of medication is know as:
What are antiemetics?
A medication that works on both blood pressure and heart rate-so nursing consideration must include both of these vital signs prior to administration of this medication
What is metoprolol or BETA BLOCKER medication
HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors work by limiting the HMG-CoA reductase synthesis, which is necessary to produce
What is LDL, or “bad cholesterol,” in the body.
This medication is a potent vasodilator of the cardiac vessels. This medication is known as:
What is nitroglycerine
Inhaled Anticholinergics used for COPD
What is Ipratropium bromide (Atrovent) Tiotropium bromide (Spiriva) Albuterol/Ipratropium (Combivent, DuoNeb)
This medication may cause stomatitis that is so painful that the client may not want to eat or drink due to pain.
What is 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU)
This medication works on the renin-angiotensin pathway to lower blood pressure and can cause a dry cough
What are ACE inhibitors
______are medications used to lower the amount of gastric acid produced in the stomach. These medications are also used when working to heal gastric or duodenal ulcers caused by H. pylori
What are Proton pump inhibitors
This medication is a loop diuretic and given for many different disease processes. This medication may be given in code blue situations-depending on the client, this medication is known as:
What is Furosemide (LASIX)
A client in your care has been on thyroid medication for "many years". She has come into the office today for complaints of heart palpitations, chest pain and nervousness. You would know these are well known side effects of what medication?
What is Levothyroxine (synthroid)
This medication is known to cause hair loss, bruising, bleeding from the gums and peripheral neuropathies and is often given for late stage prostate cancer
What is Vincristine
This medication is often used as adjunct therapy and mixed in with other medications, or solely given to alleviate other conditions. This medication has a diuretic effect and lower blood pressure via diuresis. This medication is known as:
What is HCTZ or hydrochlorothiazide
_______ are the most commonly prescribed class of antidepressants. They are also considered to have the fewest and least serious side effects as compared to other antidepressants
What are Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors
These drugs can cause metabolic changes, Cushing Syndrome, Hyperglycemia, Decrease resistance to infection Changes in behavior and personality, Osteoporosis, Peptic ulcer
What are Adrenocorticosteroids
Name 2 Drugs Used to Manage NIDDM
What are Sulfonylureas: glipizide Biguanides: metformin (Glucophage) TZDs: pioglitazone (Actos); rosiglitazone (Avandia) DPP-4 inhibitors: sitagliptin (Januvia) GLP-1 Agonists: exenatide (Byetta), liraglutide (Victoza) Insulin
This medication is administered to increase production of cells when levels fall well below normal, causing the client to be sob and fatigued.
What is epoetin
This blood pressure medication has many side effects. The client may experience peripheral edema, may has orthostatic hypotension and should be told to avoid grapefruit juice will be taking this class of antihypertensive:
What are calcium channel blockers
Cimetidine (Tagamet) Famotidine (Pepcid) Nizatidine (Axid) Ranitidine (Zantac) are all__________
What is H2 receptor antagonists
A common side effect of antihypertensive therapy when a client begins therapy or has an increase in existing therapy is near syncopal episodes when getting up from a seated position. This side effect is caused by
What is orthostatic hypotension
________ are used to treat anxiety and sleep disorders. They are used in both acute and chronic situations. They are common due to their safety, compared to older medications used to treat the same conditions.
What are Benzodiazepines
An EKG must be obtained prior to starting the client on this medication due to its severe cardiac implications.
What is doxorubicin
A dry, persistent cough is associated with what blood pressure medication?
What is Lisinopril?
A client in status epilepticus is in your care. After the third seizure in less than one hour, you would anticipate the order for what kind of medication to be given via continuous IV drip?
What are Benzodiazapine medications
A client in your care is taking medication prescribed for the treatment of Alzheimer's. The client is experiencing nausea since the onset of beginning this medication. The name of this medication is:
What is Aricept (donepezil)