Anti-Ulcer Drugs
The class of drug used for the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers. Prevent acid reflux in the esophagus, by blocking acid secretion from the parietal cells in the stomach.
What is histamine 2 (H2 blockers)
What is drug that prevents gastric mucosal injury from drug-induced ulcers (ASA,NSAIDs) to manage ulcers. In combo with gastric acid, forms a protective covering on the ulcer surface?
What is carafate, sulcrate?
The drug that is used as an antiviral (influenza A) and as a anti-Parkinson drug:
What is amantidine hydrochloride (Symmetrel)
The group of drugs effective against candidiasis (superficial and systemic), cocidioidomycosis, cryptocococcosis, histoplasmosis, paracoccidioidomycosis.
What is azoles?
Added to levadopa to inhibit the enzyme decarboxylase, allowing more levadopa to reach the brain.
What is carvidopa?
Promote ulcer healing by eliminating the cause.
What is another function of H2 blockers?
The drug that is pregnancy category C, X at term; breastfeeding; increases the effect of oral hypoglycemics and theophylline, caffeine, and drug absorption is decreased with antacids and iron. Side effect: Ruptured tendons.
What is levofloxacin (Levaquin)
These are found in the blood and provide a passive form of imunity, blocking the penetration of a virus into the host cell.
What is Gamma Globulin (Immune Globulin).
This drug is given orally or topically, also supplied in vaginal suppositories
What is to treat candidiasis?
More dopamine reaches the basal ganglia, smaller doses of levodopa are required to achieve the desired effect.
What is using levadopa and carvidopa (Sinemet) together?
This class of drugs decrease/delay gastric emptying time, and are used more frequently for duodenal ulcers.
What is anticholinergics? (Pro-Banthine). Decrease GI motility and secretions.
This drug cannot be used in women pregnant during 1st trimester and last trimester and during breast feeding. Also, in children <8 years old.
What is tetracycline?
Increases the nephro-neurotoxicity with aminoglycosides, probenecid, interferon. Used to treat: herpes simplex virus, herpes zoster virus, herpes simplex encephalitis.
What is acyclovir sodium?
These drugs are used to treat UTI, otitis media, bronchitis, pneumonia, pneumocystis carinii infection rheumatic fever, burns.
What is sulfonamide (Bactrim, Septra)
Stooped forward posture, shuffling gait, masked facies, and resting tremors.
What is signs and symptoms of Parkinson's Disease?
What is a primary nursing diagnosis for gastroesophageal reflux disease?
Acute pain r/t excess gastric secretion AEB: Pain: 8/10, bitter taste, burning from esophagus to stomach, facial grimacing.
A client age 23 is prescribed amoxicillin for a strep throat. What health history and teaching is appropriate?
What is are you taking oral contraceptives? Antibiotics will decrease the effectiveness of the oral contraceptives.
A client taking isoniazid is concerned about the side effects/adverse reactions. The nurse realizes that a common adverse reaction to isoniazid is:
What is hepatotoxicity?
Client teaching should include: drink several quarts of fluids, do not take antiacids while on this medication, take medication 1 hour before or 2 hours after meals, report any bruising or bleeding, wear sunglasses.
What is sulfonamides?
Parkinson's Disease
What is an imbalance of Dopamine (DA) and acetylcholine (ACh) neurotransmitters?
What is drug is prescribed for erosive esophagitis, GERD, H. Pylori, and duodenal ulcer?
lansoprazole (Prevacid)
These antibiotics will treat gram neg and gram positive bacteria.
What is broad spectrum?
A client beginning isoniazid and rifampin treatment for TB. The nurse instructs the client to:
What is not skip doses?
Assessments prior to taking these drugs: check renal function, medical history for allergies, CBC-baseline, and hypersensitivey to sulfa.
What is sulfonamides?
Reduce the rigidity and some of the tremors characteristic of parkinsonism but have minimal effect on bradykinesia. benztropine (Cogentin), trihexyphenidyl (Artane), diphenhydramine (Benadryl).
What is anticholinergics?