The Integumentary System consists of
Skin, Hair, Nails, Glands
The Nervous System consists of
Central Nervous System
Peripheral Nervous System
What are the senses of the Sensory System
Sight, Hearing, Taste, and Smell
What is the Endocrine System made up of?
Glands and Hormones
How much is Pharmacy Terminology & Abbreviations worth?
What are the main functions of the Integumentary system?
Protection, Temperature Regulation, Secretion of Sweat or Oil, Sensation of Pain, Touch, Temperature, and Pressure
Coordinates all body activities
How are the Eyes and Ears different
Eyes = help us detect light and interpret colour, shape, and dimension
Ears = Help us hear and maintain balance
What is a Hormone?
Chemical substance produced by the endocrine glands
How many skills are in pharmacy?
What Is Acne?
Skin inflammation from overactive oil glands at the base of the of hair follicles
What Does the Central Nervous System Consist of?
Brain and Spinal Cord
Name the 3 sections of the ear
Outer, Middle, and Inner Ear
How many types of diabetes are there and who do each type effect?
Type 1 = younger children
Type 2 = Adults
What day is SLC on?
March 27-28 2025
What does Impetigo mean?
Skin eruption
What is Amnesia?
Lose of memory, usually a memory of a specific memory or time
What is Tinnitus
Ringing or jingling sound in the ear
What organ produces and releases hormones during pregnancy?
What is the minimum passing percentage for the first round of SLC?
Break down Dermatologist
Logist = Specialist who studies and treats disorders
Dermat = skin
Specialist who studies and treats skin disorders
Break down Bradykinesia
Brady = Slow
Kines = Movement
Ia = Condition of
Condition of slow movement
Breakdown Astigmatism
A = without
Stigma = point
without point
Breakdown Endocrine
endo = within/inner
crine = secrete
Pertaining to a gland that secrete its contents directly into the blood.
Where is SLC held?
Metro Toronto Convention Centre