People in the Courtroom
Burden of Proof
Trial Evidence

a group of people who listen to evidence during a trial and decide whether the defendant committed the crime

What is a jury


The charges against the defendant are read, enters a plea to the charges, may ask for a free defense attorney (a public defender), judge may set bail.

What is the arraignment


legal obligation to prove one’s claim

what is burden of proof


request made by an attorney to a judge asking for a legal decision

what is a motion


how evidence can be delivered and what type of information witnesses can and cannot give.

what are evidence rules


writes down everything that is said during the court proceedings.

who is a court reporter


A defendant who does not understand the court process

what is incompetent to stand trial


The officer had reason to believe the car she was following might be stolen since the license plate was not on the vehicle

what is reasonable suspicion


request asking the judge to delay the start of the trial or hearing.  

what is motion for continuance


connection exists between the evidence and the case being tried, and the evidence is not randomly introduced

what is relevancy


responsible for handling the court’s finances.  

who is a state court administrator


three pleas

what is Guilty, No Contest, Not Guilty


the standard of proof necessary for a defendant to be found guilty in criminal proceedings

what is beyond reasonable doubt


request asking the judge to not allow evidence at trial

what is motion to suppress


something that a witness says on the witness stand which is not based on personal knowledge.

what is hearsay


A legal order to appear in court sent to all witnesses scheduled to give testimony in a trial

what is a subpoena


not admitting they are guilty or responsible for committing the crime, but they are agreeing to be punished as if they are guilty.

what is no contest


the standard of proof used in most civil actions and amounts to approximately more than 50%, or the existing evidence of the offense is more convincing than the evidence offered to the contrary

what is preponderance of evidence


request asking the judge to dismiss the charges prior to the end of a trial

what is motion to dismiss


process followed by the defense attorney and prosecutor to find out what information the other lawyer has and plans to use during the trial.

what is discovery


referred to as the city attorney, district attorney, state’s attorney, the prosecution, or “the people."

who is a prosecutor


agreement between a defendant and prosecutor in which the defendant agrees to plead guilty or no contest, and the prosecutor agrees to reduce the charges or recommend a shorter sentence

what is a plea bargain


There was some doubt about the defendant’s guilt.  Although the weapon was found in his backyard, no one witnessed the crime and the fingerprints on the weapon were not his.

what is reasonable doubt


can either grant or deny a motion

who is a judge


reason why a person committed a crime

what is motive