Order Types
Pricing & Estimates

This filing allows an entity to operate under a different name other than their original file name.

What is an Assumed Name/DBA/Fictitious Name? 


This system allows you to look up information on filing requirements and jurisdiction fees.

What is Knowledge Base?


Customer emails are forwarded to Salesforce and become these types of request.

What are cases?


This is the name of the Corp Trans and UCC team's SharePoint Page.

What is the Wisdom Library?


A CSR would provide this type of estimate for document retrieval orders.

What is a POPS Estimate?


This is the legal process by which a corporation relinquishes its authority to do business in a foreign state.

What is a withdrawal?


You would use this system to find the jurisdictions in which an entity is doing business in as well as the contacts for an account/group and their responsibilities.

What is Company Records?


These notify you if you have tasks that require your attention or if cases have been reassigned to you or taken from you. 

What are Alerts?


You would go to this tile in wisdom to locate information on Formations & Qualifications.

What is the Corporate Filings tile?


The annual registered agent rate per unit it often found in company records at the level?

What is the group level?


Jurisdictions may have time limits on when an entity can complete this filing and may or may not hold the name for a certain time frame. 

What is a Reinstatement?


CSRs use this system to communicate with clients?

What is Salesforce?


These order entry systems can you access through Salesforce.

What are Next Gen & Pops?


This is where you can find a chart that shows you what services are placed in which system as we work on retiring MAX. 

What is the MAX Retirement button on the Homepage?


Qualification Estimates can be created using this tool?

What is CCP Estimates?


This is a required filing in a state due at a specific frequency that usually lists directors/officers, members/managers, business purpose, and principal place of business.

What is an Annual Report?


You can find information on how a client wants to be billed, have evidence sent to them, and if they require matter numbers on invoices in this system.

What is the Preferences Engine?


You can use this feature in Salesforce to quickly access other systems such as Company Records and Knowledgebase.

What is Links?

This is where you can find information on how to contact other teams that we may work with?

What is the Who to Contact button under Other Training Links?


This is the document that provides a list of all corporate transaction filings and the fee for each service.

What is the Transaction Fee Schedule?


These documents can often be used as supporting documents for actions in foreign jurisdictions in lieu of doing a formal filing

What is a Certificate Reciting?


CSRs use this system to locate transactional discounts on a customer's account.

What is Customer Master?


This is where you can find cases that have not been assigned to a specific CSR to be worked yet.

What are Case Queues?


You would click on this tile to find all of the guides we have on Next Gen Order Entry here.

What is the Order Entry Extra Details by System Tile?


This is how a CSR would handle a large filing request that may eventually become a project.

What is Put in an Estimates Service Request?