What is Web@Work?
The color of the banner bar in CareAdvance that indicates the production or (live) environment
What is blue?
UM cases are indicated by a blue suitcase icon. CM and HN cases are indicated by this
What is a gold suitcase icon?
This is used to document a call with a provider.
What is MA Outreach Template?
These members should be assessed for willingness to participate in the digital program
What is all members?
One of the 4 parts of Medicare that covers hospital stays
What is Medicare Part A?
Keystroke that will unlock a case in Care Advance
What is F5?
This CareAdvance feature is used to create a new case
What is CM Case Builder?
This has a goal, intervention, and outcome and is not used by the Health Navigators.
What is a care plan?
Secure messages in CareTN are indicated by this
What is a blue chat box?
What is MA Medical Management?
Like a bucket, assignments are housed in these
What are queues?
When completing the MA Outreach template, this action is completed to show member, caregiver, or provider contact
What is Category?
This template is used for initial contact with a member. (Two possible answers depending on your role CM/HN)
CM- What is MA Outreach Template?
HN- What is MA CC Template?
This text shortcut inserts the member's name automatically
What is .firstname?
Another name for CareTN
What is Wellframe?
This icon is used to house frequently used templates and assessments. It acts as a shortcut.
This case phase indicates that all workflow requirements are met and you are actively helping the member
What is management phase?
Tasks should have this in the subect line to help with time managment
What is "Due MM/DD"?
To add an article, video, or resourse where the member can see it at any time, the user will do this
What is add a member instruction?
Inpatient stays, high-tech imaging, home health services, and some part B medication requests all require one of these.
What is a prior authorization?
This tab defaults to user tasks and is used to prioritize your day
What is My Work Assignments?
This action has to be completed before closing your case if there is another open CM case on the same member
What is make the other person primary?
Three places to potentially find a member phone number besides member dashboad
What is Previous Interactions in AW, calling the pharmacy, and calling the PCP office?
This is when users can send all members assigned to them a message at one time
What is group action?