Molecular Motion
Phase Changes
Energy Transfers
States of Matter
Phase Change Scenarios

Tyler is holding a glass of milk. Are the molecules in the milk moving?

Yes, molecules in liquids are always moving


Mamadou Ba left his juice box in the freezer, and it froze. What phase change occurred?

Freezing. The freezer causes the molecules to slow down and move in place which matches the behaviors of a solid


Summer wants to cool her lemonade. Does energy need to be added or removed to turn it into ice? Explain

Removed, removing energy slows molecules down and increase the attraction level


Ashlyn is studying different states of matter. Which state has the strongest molecular attraction?



Fatou leaves a glass of water outside in freezing weather. What phase change will occur?



Kennedy wonders if the molecules in a metal spoon move. What kind of movement do they exhibit in a solid state?

They vibrate in place


Kamiya notices steam rising from her soup. What phase change is this?



Chelsea T. explains that to turn gas into a liquid, you must remove energy. Is this true?

Yes, removing energy slows molecular motion, causing condensation.


Kaylie wants to know which state of matter allows molecules to slide past each other. What state is it?

Liquid, molecules move at a moderate speed allowing them to move past each other. Gas moves away and solids move in place


Mr. E wonders why his soda can feels wet on the outside on a hot day. What phase change causes this?

Condensation of water vapor from the air.


Jayson says that molecules in ice completely stop moving when frozen. Is he correct?

No, molecules in a solid vibrate in place but do not stop moving


Christian heated water on the stove, and it boiled. If the water cools, what phase change will occur?

Condensation. When boiling water it evaporates. The energy in the gas slows down when it cools which turns into a liquid


Ayden left his ice cream in the sun, and it melted. What happened to the energy?

The ice cream absorbed energy, causing molecules to move faster


Mohamed Diarra is blowing bubbles. What state of matter fills the bubbles?

Gas. A solid wouldn't allow the bubble to float and the liquid will cause it to burst


Mr. Nagosky heats sugar water on the stove. The water evaporates, leaving sugar behind. What happened to the water?

The water molecules gained energy and moved fast enough to escape into the air.


Moussa placed a thermometer in hot tea. What is the thermometer measuring?

The average kinetic energy of the tea molecules.


Luizellys wants to understand how clouds form. What phase change occurs when water vapor turns into tiny liquid droplets?



Rashad and Joel are comparing two liquids. One evaporates quickly, and the other doesn’t. What might explain this?

The liquid that evaporates has weaker molecular attraction.


Mrs. Schultz wonders which state of matter has the weakest molecular attraction. What’s the answer?



Masen W. and Justin are studying dry ice. What happens when it turns directly into gas without becoming liquid?



Anthony is studying molecular motion. He asks, "What happens to the motion of gas molecules when the temperature increases?

The molecules move faster


Cheikh watches the frost disappear from his car window without melting. What phase change is this? DAILY DOUBLE



Phillip wants to freeze water in a very cold desert. How might the energy transfer differ compared to freezing in a refrigerator?

In a desert, external conditions might remove energy more quickly due to lower temperatures


Ms. Stella asks if water can exist in all three states of matter at the same time. Can it?

Yes, as in a system where ice, liquid water, and vapor coexist.


Nadia observes frost forming on her car overnight. Explain the phase change and energy transfer involved.

Water vapor loses energy and undergoes deposition, turning directly into a solid