The changing relative positions of the Moon, Earth, and this, cause the Moon's phases, along with eclipses and tides.
!!!Double Jeopardy!!!
During a total eclipse you are in what part of a shadow.
What is the umbra?
Tides occur about every this amount of time.
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The different shapes of the Moon you see from Earth are called these.
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A solar eclipse occurs when this passes between the Earth and the Sun, blocking direct sunlight from getting to parts of Earth.
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What is the Moon?
A tide with the greatest difference between high and low tides.
What is a spring tide?
This happens when the Earth's shadow reflects onto the Moon.
This is the Latin word for moon.
The phase of the Moon you see depends on how much of the sunlit side of the Moon faces this.
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A lunar eclipse can only occur during this phase of the Moon.
What is a Full Moon.
A tide with the least difference between high and low tides.
What is a neap tide?
The darkest part of a shadow from space.
!!!Double Jeopardy!!!
This is the Latin word for sun.
A solar eclipse can only occur during this phase of the Moon.
What is a New Moon.
Spring tides occur twice a month during these two moon phases.
When the moon and the sun are in a right angle, this tide occurs.
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