Three founders of Phi Mu.
Who are Mary Lines, Mary Daniel, and Martha Redding?
This person was a part of the 18th Bachelor season and 10th Bachelorette season.
Who is Andi Dorfman?
Women's fraternity is older than Phi Mu.
What is Alpha Delta Pi?
The first line of the Phi Mu creed.
What is "To lend to those less fortunate a helping hand"?
"Les Soeurs Fideles" means.
What is "The faithful sisters"?
The name of our lion mascot is.
What is Sir Fidel?
Phi Mu alumnae, Boston Marathon winner, Georgia Sports Hall of Fame in 2003, and the Atlanta Sports Hall of Fame in 2007.
Who is Gayle Barron?
Language Phi Mu's motto in.
What is French?
Finish this line: Being steadfast ____________
What is "in every duty; small or large"?
Official magazine of Phi Mu.
What is the "Aglaia"?
In what U.S. state was Phi Mu sorority founded?
What is Georgia?
Little Big Town member.
Who is Kimberly Schalpman?
___ number was in the first pledge class of Phi Mu Gamma Rho.
What is 50 members?
The last sentence of the second stanza in the creed.
What is "Thus being true to the womanhood of honor"?
Phi Mu was originally called.
What is the Philomathean Society?
The colors of Phi Mu (rose and white) stand for.
What is womanhood, truth, and purity?
Famous Alabama coach's wife.
Who is Terry Saban?
Date of Phi Mu's secret founding.
What is January 4th, 1852?
Finish this line: Striving to esteem ____
What is "the inner man above culture, wealth, or pedigree"?
Phi Mu's branding/kown for is.
What is summed up as steadfast in sisterhood?
Phi Mu is ____ oldest in the United States.
What is the second oldest sorority in the United States?
Mother of olympic gold medalist Micheal Phelps.
Who is Debbie (Deborah) Phelps?
The unofficial secondary mascot of Phi Mu.
What is a ladybug?
__ number of sentences in each stanza of the creed.
What is six sentences?
Currently, ____ number of chapters of Phi Mu in the United States of America.
What are 136 active chapters of Phi Mu in the United States of America?