Paul’s Imprisonment
The Advance of the Gospel
Paul's Joy
Life and Death
Paul's Prayer for the Philippians

Where was Paul when he wrote this letter?

In prison


What is Paul's ultimate purpose in life according to Philippians 1:21?

To live is Christ, and to die is gain.


How does Paul begin his letter in Philippians 1:3-4?

He thanks God every time he remembers the Philippians.


What does Paul say is better for him: to live or to die?

To die is better for him, but to live is better for the Philippians.


How does Paul begin his prayer for the Philippians in Philippians 1:9?

That their love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight.


How does Paul view his imprisonment in Philippians 1:12-14?

He sees it as advancing the Gospel


How does Paul describe the progress of the gospel despite his imprisonment?

It has become known throughout the whole palace guard and beyond.


What brings Paul joy in his prayers for the Philippians in Philippians 1:4-5?

Their partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.


Why does Paul say he would prefer to die in Philippians 1:23?

To be with Christ is far better.


What is the purpose of Paul's prayer for the Philippians' love to grow in knowledge and insight?

So that they may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ.


What does Paul say has happened to the brothers because of his imprisonment?

They have become more confident and bold in proclaiming the Gospel.


What does Paul say about whether he lives or dies in Philippians 1:20-23?
He desires to be with Christ, but knows it is better for the church if he stays alive.

He desires to be with Christ, but knows it is better for the church if he stays alive.


In Philippians 1:18, what does Paul say about Christ being preached?

He rejoices that Christ is preached, whether with pure or impure motives.


According to Philippians 1:24, why does Paul believe it is necessary for him to remain alive?

For the Philippians’ progress and joy in the faith.


What does Paul desire for the Philippians to be filled with, according to Philippians 1:11?

The fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ.


Who is Paul specifically referring to when he talks about people preaching Christ out of envy or rivalry?

Other preachers who were jealous or opposed Paul


In Philippians 1:27, what does Paul urge the believers to do in response to his situation?

Live in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ.


What is Paul's confident statement about the Philippians in Philippians 1:6?

That He who began a good work in them will carry it to completion until the day of Christ.


What does Paul say should happen whether he visits the Philippians or not?

They should live in a way that is worthy of the gospel.


In Philippians 1:10, what does Paul pray that the Philippians will be able to approve?

What is excellent or the best.


How does Paul respond to people preaching Christ with false motives?

He rejoices that Christ is preached, regardless of their motives.


What is Paul's hope regarding his trial and its outcome, mentioned in Philippians 1:19-20?

That he will be delivered and Christ will be exalted, whether by life or by death.


What is the reason Paul is filled with joy when he thinks of the Philippians?

Because of their partnership in the gospel.


How does Paul describe the internal conflict he feels about choosing life or death in Philippians 1:22-23?

He is torn between the two, wanting to depart and be with Christ but knowing it is necessary to remain.


How does Paul’s prayer in Philippians 1:9-11 reflect his hope for the Philippians' spiritual growth?

He prays for their love, discernment, purity, and righteousness, showing his deep concern for their moral and spiritual development in preparation for Christ's return.