The first gift of Christmas in the Polar Express
A silver Bell
The item left out on Christmas eve for Santa Clause along with milk.
The weather outside is ________
The name of the forest buddy travels through in ELF
The Candy Cane Forest
People kiss under this parasite.
I don't care about the _______ underneath the Christmas Tree
The city the McCallisters went to in Home Alone.
Paris, France
A half-goat, half-demon monster that punishes misbehaving children at Christmas time
Toys in every store but the prettiest sight to see is the ____ that will be on your own front door
The best selling Christmas Movie of all time
The Grinch
The country that started the tradition putting up Christmas trees
Bells on bobtail ring, Making spirits bright, What fun it is to ride and sing _ ______ ___ _____
A sleighing song tonight
The Oscar Meyer Weiner Whistle and Mystery Date Game were gifted in this Christmas Movie
The Santa Clause
This iconic vegetable is hung in the Christmas Tree to be found on Christmas day
a Pickle
On the seventh day of Christmas my true love gave to me _______
Seven Swans a Swimming