What was Plato known for?
He was a well known teacher and a good philosopher.
What were the three types of governments that Aristotle divided people into?
Monarchy, oligarchy, and democracy
Why did Plato dislike the Athenian democracy?
They didn't think for themselves and didn't have many rights
What does is the "golden mean"?
People should live moderately
What was one of Plato's writings?
The republic
What did Aristotle study?
Stars,plants, and animals.
What did Plato think philosopher kings should be?
Intelligent and well educated.
Aristotle was tutoring a man in the image. Who does the man turn out to be?
Alexander the Great.
What did Plato believe women should have?
The same opportunities for education and jobs that men have.
What did the authors of the United States constitution and Aristotle believe?
That no one person or group should have to much power