Milne Library as a Space
Types of Sources
Finding Physical Books
Online Resources
Evaluating and Citing Sources

How many floors are in the Milne Library?

There are 5 floors in the Milne Library!

True or False, primary and secondary sources mean the same thing in all disciplines?

False! Primary and secondary sources can mean different things depending on what discipline you are working in!

Always follow professor's instruction, assignment parameters, or talk to a Milne Librarian with help determining what could be considered a primary or secondary source!

What is a call number?

A call number is the "address of the book in the library" or the sticker on the side of the book which tells you where to find the book in the library. 


How many databases do we currently have access to here at SUNY Oneonta?

This number changes quite often, but at any given time we have access to over 300 databases!

Name three citation styles?
There are SO MANY citation styles, a few popular ones are Chicago, MLA, and APA.

When I say that the Milne Library works off of a noise gradient, what do I mean?

Depending on where you are in the library, there are different noise expectations. 

This is great news, because if you need a silent space to study, or if you want to work in a group, there is a space in the Milne Library which will suit your needs!


True or False, in Philosophy secondary sources can only be journal articles?

False, you can find secondary sources that are all types of sources, some examples include books (both in print and online) and journal articles!


What floor are the philosophy books held on?

The Philosophy books are primarily held in the B section on the third floor of the Milne Library.


What is Milne Search?

Milne Search is a discovery service, which means it is a very large catalog which can search almost anything you have access to here at SUNY Oneonta! 

Hint: The size of this search tool makes it a really great resource to start your searching, but you might need to be more or less specific with your keywords if you are not getting the results you are looking for. 


Why is it important to evaluate a source before using it in your own work?

It is incredibly important to evaluate sources before using it in your own work because some sources do not provide accurate or quality information, and citing these types of sources can:

1. Take away from the credibility of your own argument

2. Make you lose marks on assignments

3. You can lead to reiteration of mis- or dis-information 


What are condensed shelving units?

They are shelves that move (either electronically or manually) so that we can fit more books in a smaller space in the library. The condensed shelving units are located in the sub-basement!


In Philosophy, what is a primary source?

A primary source in Philosophy are works that are written by philosophers! 

Example: The Republic written by Plato is a primary source. 


What are the last four digits of the call number?

The last four digits of the call number is the date the book was published!

For example, the book with the call number Q334.7 .A78 2018 was published in 2018.


What is Boolean Searching?

Boolean searching is the "library language" that both computers and humans can understand. It is the AND/OR/NOT of library searching!


What is mis- and dis-information?

Misinformation is incorrect information, provided unknowingly (usually by mistake). 

Disinformation is incorrect information, shared knowing that the information is incorrect.


What is the difference between the Circulation Desk and Reference Desk of the Library?

The Circulation Desk is where you go to check out books, book a study room, or get a study room key. The Reference Desk is where you go to talk to a librarian and get research help!


In Philosophy, what is a secondary source?

A secondary source is once removed from the primary source. 

For example, an author writing about Plato's Doctrines and what that author thinks about those doctrines would be considered a secondary source. 

Hint: While these sources are once removed from the primary source, they will likely still hold either excerpts, quotations, or citations to the primary works written by the philosophers. So, they can be really good sources of information even if they are not the primary source you might be looking for!


If I want to find a print book, I would search with keywords in the Milne Library Catalog, and then select what setting on the left hand side of the screen?

You would select "Held by Library" which will narrow the results to just the print books that we have in the Milne Library collection. 


What is peer-review?

Peer-review is a process in the publishing cycle for which at least 2 experts in a field review your submission for accuracy, quality, and contribution to the field before the piece of work is published. 

An article being peer-reviewed is a good sign, as more experts in the field have reviewed the information, however it is not the only factor that you should look at when evaluating a source. Always use your critical eye to evaluate a source before you use it in your own work! 


When citing a journal article in APA citation style, what part of the citation is italicized?

The journal title!


Where is the Milne Library's Map collection held?

The Milne Library Map collection is held on the third floor of the library!


Does the Milne Library have a LibGuide specifically on Primary Source? If we do, what is the URL?

Yes we do! Information on primary sources can be found across many guides here at SUNY Oneonta, BUT please be careful because while all of these guides are valuable, they might not all be relevant to determining what is a primary source in Philosophy.

The guide I was looking for you to find was either or one of the Philosophy LibGuides!


What is ILL? Both the acronym and what it means!

ILL is Interlibrary Loan! ILL means that if we do not have a resource you are looking for, you can put in a request, and then the library staff will work to get you that resource either via a PDF or through the physical book being mailed to our library for you to then pick up. 

Note: This means if you cannot find a source, NEVER pay for it! Your library will work to get it to you as soon as we can!


I want to find sources on artificial intelligence (specifically chatbots) and philosophy. Build a search string to help me with this search.

"artificial intelligence" OR chatbots 




What does the RADAR evaluation criteria stand for?

RADAR is an evaluation criteria that you can use when evaluating a source of information! It was created by Mandolins in 2013 and stands for:




Appearance and Accuracy

Reason for Writing