seekers and lovers of wisdom
what were greek philosophers?
true or false: Socrates was the first major Greek philosopher
who did he tutor?
Alexander the Great
what was his most famous work?
who wrote the Odyssey?
the meaning of life
what did they consider philosophy?
a way of studying issues and problems through a question and answer technique
what is the socratic method?
The Lyceum
What was the name of the famous school that Plato opened?
his ideal society and government
what is Pythagoras most known for?
Pythagorean theorem
socrates, plato, and aristotle
who were some major greek philosophers?
introduced political philosophy
what was a part of his impact?
nature, human beliefs, thoughts, and knowledge
what things did he question?
the academy
what was the name of the school he founded?
believed that life was based on a person's actions more than their words
What was Zeno's philosophy?
the world using mathematics, physics, logic, and reason
what did they study?
morals, good versus evil, and how their society works
what did Socrates get the Greeks to think about?
true or false: he thought that reason and self-control were important
who was his student?
What type of philosophy did Zeno found?
True or False: The Greek philosophers had no interest in the real world such as science or politics.
How do we know about Socrates and what his philosophies were?
By studying the writings of Plato which recorded many of Socrates ideas
who was his teacher?
who was his teacher?
that gods had no interest in humans
What did Epicurus believe?