The Most Wonderous Organ
Chapter 1
chapter 3
isidore reading
chapter 4
What is the most wondrous organ?
the brain
brain model (A, B, C, C2, D)
What is A(our sensory impute channels)--> B(thalamus)-->C(visual cortex) off of B is D(cerebral cortex)-->C2(visual associative cortex) D has a major influence on B
case study:Clive Wearing
What is has permanent amnesia, every waking moment her recreates himself; can learn but can't remember what he has learned no defined sense of self-concept!
what is the hardest thing to do?
What is perceive yourself, self-perception
wired in vs. wired up
What is wired in is genetically based programs and wired up comes from culture and society.
what makes the brain truly wondrous?
think of the brain as a computer, it computes and is where our thinking, neurons and thoughts occur.
what is the downside of the brain model
What is can not get directly from C2 to reality because there are inferences that make the connection indirect.
Agony of adolescence
What is chemical imbalances (ex:middle school kids), rebellion.
which part of the brain is associated with self0referent?
What is medial pre-frontal cortex(center of head), right and left sides both serve different functions
prudent definition
good sense of judgement, acting to avoid negative consequences.
name the 2 types of responses?
What is 1) reflex biological machines (wired in responses) and 2) learned response machines
brain as inference engine
What is brain cranks out inferences all the time. can't stop yourself from making judgements and some are false.
becoming a psychopath
What is lack of appropriate role models; people in this category usually come from poverty, lack of education, lack of social interactions as a child.
default mode
What is minimal conscious mode of processing
being in 2 minds
What is split brain studies. sever corpus collosum, 2 sides of brain act independently of each other.
Pros and Cons of Reflex machines and learned response machines.
What is RM=pro:fast, con:rigid responses LRM=con:responses can be to flexible
mirror neurons
What is empathy/sympathy, deals with how you react to social interactions.
the essential self
What is it that we have that makes us able to think of ourselves as kids or as a child is due to memory*
Sally-Anne False belief task
What is the marble example, if sally puts it in the drawer and leaves and anne puts it in a basket, younger children will assume that sally will look in the basket
the great selfini
What is mind acting as illusionist, saying we make decisions when really A influences are decisions. (think of brain like a democracy, mutual constraints so no one part "rules")
descartes theory
What is the cartesian theater; little man behind your eyes looking out at the world. (theater represents the retina.)
genetic vs. cultural, joey the mechanical boy example
What is he was surrounded by mechanical toe and was alone, thought he was a machine and acted like one; moved just like his toys would.
the Looking Glass Self
What is express the way the self is shaped by the reflections of those around us. define yourself by the mirrors held up around you, they define our sense of self(from society)
environmental dependency syndrome vs utilization
What is EDS=(ex: tourette's patient, mimics others behavior; what they see they do) vs utilization=sight of object triggers involuntary response, ex:pick up a cup and start to drink from it even if nothing is in it.