How does the prime mover cause movement?
Attraction, everything is moving towards it to reach a sense of perfection
What is the Epicurian thesis?
As the world is made up of finite particles and infiltrate time it is perfectly plausible to suggests that the world is,ply came about by chance rather than a designer
What is the name given to the gap in knowledge between human and God?
Epistemic distance
Did Boethius see God as eternal or everlasting?
Who came up with the idea of memes?
In Plato’s allegory of the cave what do the chain represent?
The senses
Name one of Aquinas three way and explain it?
- unmoved mover
- uncaused causer
- necessary being
What type of theodicy is Augustines?
A soul deciding theodicy
What did Descartes say about God?
God can do everything locally possible and impossible
Explain the third man argument?
- two men both participate in the form of man
- these two men and the form of man then all must have the form of the form of man in common and …..
- this suggests the forms go on for infinity
What are the four causes?
Material case
Formal cause
Efficient cause
Final cause
Who supported the fallacy of composition?
which two people support the logical problem of evil?
Who suggested the whole concept of a timeless eternity seems to be radically incoherent?
What did swineburns theodicy suggest?
Evil is necessary so people have an awareness of what it is and as a result are able to avoid it
What is Doxa?
What is the Anthropic principle?
The world seems to be created perfectly for human life suggesting the existence of a designer
What is the term given by Hick to describe the development of the soul?
Vale of Soul making
What was the name of Anselm's approach to eternity?
Four dimensionalism
Finish the quote:…God foreknowledge does not….
Impose a necessity upon things
What does Motus mean?
What did Michael Behe say
Suggests that given the complexity of evolution That God is the creator
What was Hume’s criticism of the Hick/Irenaeus theodicy?
Can we not learn through pleasure and pain
What is the term used to describe Jesus as a gift to humanity?
What does benevolence actually mean?
Well wishing