The Mind
The Material World
The Spiritual World
P&P Code of Conduct

This philosopher proposed the theory of personality, dividing it into the id, ego, and superego.

Who is Sigmund Freud?


This ancient Greek philosopher believed in the existence of a realm of perfect forms, which transcends the physical world.

Who is Plato?


This is the study of the physical world and our perception of it.

What is materialism?


This concept refers to experiences perceived as connecting individuals to a higher power or ultimate reality, often cited as evidence for a spiritual realm.

What is spirituality?


This is where we meet after our meetings.

What is the Blue Moose?


This phenomenon occurs when an individual has difficulty recalling information or events that were previously learned, often due to interference or decay.

What is forgetting?


This philosopher argued for the existence of a world soul that connects all living things, emphasizing the spiritual dimension of nature.

Who is Aristotle?


This famous physicist is known for his work in quantum mechanics, and his interpretation suggests that consciousness arises from complex physical processes, not from any spiritual realm.

Who is Albert Einstein?


This branch of philosophy seeks to understand the nature of existence and whether non-material entities, such as spirits or souls, can be said to exist.

What is metaphysics?


What will help us weather or differences?

What are friendships?


This term refers to a state of mental tension and unease, often characterized by excessive worry about future events.

What is anxiety?


This philosopher’s dualism posited that mind and body are distinct substances, suggesting a spiritual aspect to human existence.

Who is René Descartes?


This scientific approach investigates the universe through observable phenomena, emphasizing empirical evidence and often rejecting claims of the supernatural.

What is the scientific method?


This phenomenon, often reported during near-death experiences, involves a sensation of leaving the body and encountering a bright light, leading to discussions about consciousness beyond physical life.

What is an out-of-body experience?


This is what P&P promotes in a polarize world.

What is peace?


In psychology, this term describes a sudden realization of a problem's solution, often referred to as the "aha" moment.

What is insight?


This French philosopher explored the intersection of faith and reason, asserting that there are truths accessible only through spiritual insight.

Who is Blaise Pascal?


This philosopher believed that free will doesn’t exist and that behavior is shaped by biology and environment?

Who is B.F. Skinner?


This concept in quantum mechanics suggests that consciousness may play a role in the way reality is perceived, sparking discussions about spirituality and the nature of existence.

What is quantum consciousness?


Discussions about science, philosophy, history, psychology, atheism, religion, society, literature, and politics promotes this.

What is learning new stuff?

This term refers to the mental processes involved in gaining knowledge and comprehension, including thinking, knowing, remembering, and judging.

What is cognition?


This ancient philosopher is known for his assertion that everything is composed of small, indivisible particles called atoms.

Who is Democritus?


This theory is the idea that everything, including consciousness, comes from matter and its interactions?

What is physicalism?


This psychological term describes a deeply felt sense of connection to something greater than oneself, often linked to spiritual experiences, and is measurable through various psychological scales.

What is transcendence?


This promotes deeper thinking and dialog among people.

What are viewpoints?