Aesthetic Properties
The Artworld
Categories of Art
Defining "Art"
Good Art

"Beauty," "elegance," and "tightly knit" are examples, according to Sibley.

What are aesthetic concepts?


The object Duchamp used to turn the artworld upside down in 1917.

What is a urinal?


For example, that paintings are two-dimensional, according to Walton.

What is a standard property?


"Game" and "art" are examples, according to Weitz.

What is an open concept?


The view that the ethical attitudes manifested in a work are legitimate criteria of evaluation, according to Gaut.

What is ethicism?


A condition that will guarantee that a term applies

What is a sufficient condition?


Saying "This bed is art," when looking at Rauschenberg's pain-splattered bed is an example of mastering this way of identifying things, according to Danto.

What is the "is" of artistic identification?


The sort of properties that tend to shock us, according to Walton

What are contra-standard properties?

The requirements for being a closed concept, according to Weitz.

What are necessary and sufficient conditions?


The set of properties we use to determine if a work is good or not, according to Weitz.

What are criteria of evaluation?


A three dimensional object protruding from a painting, according to Walton.

What is a contra-standard property of a painting?


Hanging a piece of drift wood in an art gallery makes a natural object one of them, according to Dickie.

What is an artifact?


Having an overall sense of an organized whole, over and above the parts that make it up.  It's a psychological function.

What is gestalt?

Prior to the nineteenth century, this was the reigning definition of art.

What is mimesis (imitation)?


All art is a candidate for this, according to Dickie, but there is no one way it has to happen.

What is "appreciation"?


Aesthetic features requires these, but they themselves are not aesthetic, according to Sibley.

What are observable characteristics?


Hanging something in an art gallery is an example of this institutional function, according to Dickie.

What is "conferring of status"?

Knowledge that the artist intended a work to be in a certain category, or that the category is well-established in the society where the work is produced, according to Walton.
How do we determine if we correctly categorize art?

The genus of art and the necessary property of all art, according to Dickie.

What is artifactuality?


Gaut's term for when a work of art takes a position on some topic that ethically matters.

What is manifesting an attitude?


These can be defined by listing properties that are not necessary, but if something has enough of these properties, the term will apply, according to Sibley.

What are conditioned-governed properties?


Familiarity with this makes it possible to see Warhol's Brillo Boxes as art and not cleaning supplies, according to Danto.

What is the artworld?


For example, the flatness of Picasso's Guernica when classified as a guernica.

What is a variable property?


The sense of something being art used in this sentence: "That driftwood lying over there is a work of art."  According to Dickie.

What is the derivative sense of something being art?


When a work succeeds in producing its desired effect, according to Gaut.

What is a merited response?