The philosophical discipline concerned with beauty and art
What are the four characteristics of aesthetic attitude?
Generosity, gratuity, temporality and distancing.
Steve is in the NAVY and Danny works as a police officer
The sentence ''My sister saw a bat'' can have up to 4 different meanings and it is an example of...
The technique used to create persuasive discourses
The emotional response that we have when we contemplate an aesthetic object is...
Aesthetic experience
What are the four main functions of art?
Pedagogical, moral, political and aesthetic
Either you pay the fine or you cannot retrieve your car
Who were the first philosophers to study rhetoric?
The sophists
When we attribute a quality to an object we are making a...
Value judgement
A poster with information about human impact on the enviromental is performing what function of art?
Only if she comes to my party, will I forgive her
In a truth table, if we only have F values in the last column we are dealing with...
A contradiction
What are Grice's 4 maxims?
Quantity, quality, relation and manner
Man's ability to detect beauty is...
Aesthetic taste
What are the main system of symbols?
Myths, religion, language and art
I spent all night watching Netflix and now I am very sleepy. My parents are going to be mad and won't let me have my phone after 10pm.
(p^q) → (r^¬s)
In a truth table, if we have T and F values in the last column we have...
An indetermination
If I used a word with negative connotations, I'm using a ___________ term.
A painting is natural or artistic beauty?
A ''stop'' sign in the road is a signal or a symbol?
A symbol because the connection made between signifier and signified is artificial.
Johnny will win the tournament if, and only if, Miguel has recovered from his injury and has time to train.
p ⇔ (q^r)
If the structure of the reasoning is valid but the content of the statement is false. The statement has...
Validity but not truth
What are the 5 steps for discourse in classical rhetoric?
Inventio, dispositio, elocutio, memoria and actio