The Law

What are the credentials of a NHA- certified phlebotomist

What is CPT


Malpractice is a claim of:

a) Improper treatment

b) Res ipsa loquitur

c) Breach of confidentiality

A-improper treatment


What is the abbreviation for an agency that has an approval process for phlebotomy programs?




Who is NAACLS- B


Which of the following is a characteristic of good work ethics?

a) Self Interest

b) Aggressiveness

c) Dependability

C- Dependability


The term phlebotomy is derived from Greek words that, when literally translated means to:

a) Stick a vein

b) Draw blood

c) Cut a vein

C- Cut a vein


What are the credentials of an AMT-Certified phlebotomist?

What is a RPT


The period within which an injured party may file a lawsuit is known as:

A) Discovery Period or

b) Stature of limitations

B-Statute of limitations


The Joint Commission's Sentinel Event program's purpose is to:

a) Demonstrate flexibility in setting QC measures

b) Research healthcare organizations'' collection of data

c) Prevent unfavorable events from happening again

c- To prevent unfavorable events from happening again, such as death.


This is a 2 part question:

1- Which of the following is an example of negative kinesics: a) eye contact, b) shouting or c) frowning

2- Your pt. is emotional and cannot understand what you are asking him or her to do. This is an example of:

a) lack of professionalism , b) Invasion of intimate zone or c) a communication barrier

#1- Frowning- C

#2- Communication barrier -c


this is a 2 part questions:

1- Proof in participation in a workshop to upgrade skills required by some agencies to renew certification is called: a) accreditation verification or b) continuing education units

2- The primary duty of a phlebotomist is to: a) answer all incoming calls to the center, b) perform clerical duties and c) blood specimens

#1- B- continuing education units 

#2- C- blood specimens


The AMT, ASCP & ACA are agencies that?

Certify lab professionals


Unauthorized release of confidential pt information is called:

a) Failure to use due care

b) invasion of privacy

c) Violation of discovery

B- invasion of due care


The NPSGs for the clinical laboratory have defined a goal to identify pts' correctly, which can be accomplished by:

a) labeling all blood containers and other specimens in the pt.'s presence

b0 verifying with another phlebotomist (double-checking)

c) asking the pt. to label the specimens

A- Labeling all blood containers and other specimens (such as urine, feces and sputum and etc.) in the presence of the pt.


This is a 3 part question:

1- one element of good communication in healthcare involves: a) accepting pts as unique individuals with special needs or b) showing the pt. that you are the one who is in control.

2-Which one of the following projects a professional image for a phlebotomist? a) natural looking artificial nails, b) closed-toe conservative shoes or c) Long air surrounding the face.

3- Telephone etiquette involves: a) referring an emotional caller to the administrator or b) keeping your statements simple and to the point.

#1- A- accepting pts are unique individuals with special needs

#2- B- closed-toe conservative shoes

#3- B- Keeping your statements simple and to the point.


This is a 3 part question:

1- Another name for the Blood Bank Depart. : a) Immunology, b) Serology or c) Immunohematology

2-Phlebotomu is used as a therapeutic treatment for: a) diabetes, b) Polycythemia or c) Leukemia

3- One of a phlebotomist duties is to: a) assist with inserting an IV cannulas or b) perform lab computer operations

#1- C- Immunohematology

#2- B- Polycythemia

#3- B- perform lab computer operations


Which of the following agency certifies phlebotomists?






Legal Actions in which the alleged injured party sues for monetary damages are:

a) civil actions

b) criminal actions

c) vicarious liability

A- Civil actions


The abbreviation for the federal regulations that established quality standards for all lab that test human specimens is:


b) BBP

c) CLIA '88

C- CLIA "88


This is a 2 part question.

1- Which of the following actions by a phlebotomist does not encourage good verbal communication? a) using cliches or b) giving feedback

2- A phlebotomist who appears knowledgeable, hones, and sincere is creating in the pt. a sense of:

a) Dependency, b) empathy or c) trust

#1- A~ using cliches

#2- C- Trust


This is a 3 part question:

1-A phlebotomist participates in continuing education programs to: a) explore other employment in healthcare or b) stay up to date on the latest procedures

2- Which one is an example of an inpatient care facility? a) Day surgery facility or b) Children's hospital

3- Which department performs a blood culture (Sterile bottle and SPS tubes) a) hematology, b) Microbiology or c) Urinalysis

#1- B

#2- B

#3- B


All medical labs are regulated by






The level of care that a person of ordinary intelligence and good sense would exercise under the given circumstances is the definition of:

a) Critical Care

b) Standard of Care

c) Due Care

c- Due care


The oldest and largest standards-setting body in healthcare, which in the US is an independent , not for profit organization, establishes standards for the operations of hospitals' and other health-related facilities and services and accrediting and certifying these organizations is known as:

a) ISO (International Organization for Standard

b) CLIA (The Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments

c) TJC ( The Joint Commission

C- The Joint Commission (Old name was JACHO)


This is a 3 part question:

1- The best way to handle a "difficult" or "bad' pt. is to: a) leave the room without collecting the specimen, b) threaten to report the pt. to his or her doctor c) help the pt. feel in control of the situation

2-  Which of the following factors is considered critical in understanding a diverse population's healthcare needs?

a) attitudes toward seeking help, b) knowledge of the customs and traditions related to healing, c) none of these or d) A & B

#1- C help the pt. feel as though they are in control of the situation, but you as the phlebotomist continue to follow the proper protocols and procedures.

#2-  D- You must have some knowledge of the customs of certain pt. to understand how they feel and view healthcare. It is also important to understand their traditions and views on healing


This is a 3 part question:

1- Which person alerts the personnel of the latest standards and regulations set by CAP? Manger, central processing, b) supervisor in Immunohematology or c) Coordinator, Quality and Compliance

2- Which part of a phlebotomist's duty involves prioritizing specimens to ensure desired TAT? a) collect and perform POCT, or b) Transport and dispatch samples efficiently

3- Which supervisor oversees the typing and cross-matching of transfusion units in the lab? a) Supervisor of cytology, b) supervisor of Immunology or c) Supervisor of Immunohematology

#1- C

#2- B

#3- B