The tube with sodium citrate
What is the light blue tube?
The tube with EDTA
What is the lavender top tube
Test that is sensitive to light
What is bilirubin test?
Urine is collected all day.
What is a 24 hour urine specimen
GTT means
What is a glucose tolerance test
The tube that require sterile technique
What is blood cultures?
What tube has sodium fluoride or potassium oxalate
What is the gray top tube
Tests that are placed on a ice slurry
What is a ammonia or lactic acid tests?
Test where you swab the inside cheeks
What is a buccal swab
The degree of angle for a venipuncture
What is 15-30 degrees angle?
The tube used for nutritional testing
What is the royal blue tube
What tube has sodium or lithium heparin
What is the green top tube
The blood test done on infants at 24 hours of age
What is a PKU test
Test used to test for blood in the stool
What is fecal occult blood testing
Leaving the tourniquet on too long causes the blood
What is hemoconcentration?
The tube used for blood bank testing for type & cross screening
What is the lavender tube
What tube is used for stat labs
What is the orange top tube
Test that done to test the carbon dioxide and oxygen exchange in the lungs
What is blood gas testing?
Fingers used to do a dermal stick
What are the middle and ring fingers?
The tube used to draw an ESR?
What is the lavender top tube?
The tube used for paternity testing
What is the yellow top tube
What tube is used to test glucose level
What is gray top tube
The letters in POC mean
What is Point Of Care Testing
Legal test that requires the patient to show an ID
What is chain of custody
When inflating the blood pressure cuff on a patient to use as a tourniquet; the cuff should inflate no higher than
What is 40 mmHg?