What instrument plays first in the song?
Sleigh Bells (Mark/Aaron)
Name any song from the Icon Packet
Mary had a little lamb
We Will Rock You
Baby Shark
Red icons were _____
quarter notes
The fancy name for drums (starts with a P)
Who wrote your version of Baby Shark
Mr Mitchell
Who wrote your version of Jingle bells
Mr Mitchell
Name your "First 5" pitches. Whoever answers must use the correct language for their instrument.
Concert Pitch: Bb, C, D, Eb, F
Trumpet/Clarinet: C, D E, F, G
Saxophone: G, A, B, C, D
Green icons were ____
whole notes
Trumpet, Trombone, and Tuba, are all part of the _____ family of instruments
The song referenced at the beginning and end of baby shark is called _____?
The middle chunk of the song is called "_____ through the _____"
Dashing through the snow
How many passoffs did we complete out of the method books this semester?
Orange icons were ____
half notes
Flute, clarinet, and saxophone are part of the _____ family of instruments
When we moved rapidly between pitches 3 and 4 at teh end of the baby shark intro, it was called a ____?
(starts with a T)
What measure do the winds first play at?
Measure 3
When you sit up properly to play, you are sitting with good _____
(starts with a P)
White icons were ____
Our first community meeting performance was in what month?
When we can hear everyone equally (like when the clarinets and saxes play the same volume), the band is ______
How many measures long is the drum break in the middle of the song?
2 measures
What was the very first passoff we did this year?
Opening a lock
The process of writing your own original music is called ______
How many graded practice logs did you have this semester?