At what measure do the pins introduce the main melody for the first time?
What is the name of the percussion instrument that Jason played
The first pitch of measure 1 (the letter name)
What is the name of the scale we learned/reviewed at the start of the semester (don't overthink it)
D Scale
True or False:
Mr Mitchell has over 150 marked (with the stickers) folder slots.
The shaking technique in the second-to-last measure is called a ____
At what measure do the chins enter for the first time
The technique of making up music on the spot is called
Improvisation, Improvising
The Italian words for plucking vs bowing
How many chairs go in each of the chairs stacks
The term "FP" stands for
After measure 49, the strings finish out with their bows. After cutting off, how many measures of rest are there before the final pluck?
At what measure did Mr. Mitchell instruct you to write "great bow"
What was the first passoff we completed this year?
Opening a lock
We did two community meeting performances this semester. What months were they in
September, November
Name the composer for Sunlight
Randall Standridge
Name the composer for Haunted Carnival
Jordan Hawkins
Name the composer for P.P.R.
Brian Balmages
Describe what the left and right hand need to do to perform a slur
Right hand changes notes, left hand does not change directions
(Or something similar to this)
This is Mr. Mitchell's ___ year teaching at PHMS.
(what number)
Similie, Same, Similar
(Continue doing the same style)
At 17, the pins finally begin to use their bows. 8 Measures later at 25, what is the dynamic marking?
When everyone was present, how many improvised solos were there?
What song did we play from the review packet to demonstrate understanding of 3/4 time
French Folk Song
What is the first and last name of Mr. Mitchell's stuffed chicken
Willabous Wallaby