What type of camera came before digital?
What is the part of the camera that opens and closes to let light in?
The shutter
What is the speed that lets your control motion?
Shutter Speed
This setting lets you have full control of your aperture, shutter speed, and ISO
Manual Mode
This composition technique has you shoot one subject with very simple background
What process uses the sun to create a photo that is blue?
The optical glass to gather and focus light rays to form an image.
The lens
This is the cameras sensitivity for light?
Shutter Speed is measure in _______
Fractions of a second
What rule of composition uses a grid?
Rule of thirds
What type of photography was Vivian Meyer known for?
This setting allows you to change your depth of field.
When this opening is adjusted, it changes the amount of light that comes into the camera.
The aperature
Aperture is measured in ________
This composition circles or encloses your subject for example a window.
This newish type of camera is replacing DSLR's on the market.
The opening in the camera that allows the photographer to see what is being photographed.
The view finder
The shutter speed, the aperture and the ISO make up this.
The exposure trinity
100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200 represent what?
This composition spirals your eye around the page with a circular subject
Camera Obscura
If you want to make a camera out of anything what do you need besides and lens, a shutter, and a aperture.
A black box
The measure of the amount of light entering the camera
The exposure
Is 1/500 considered a fast or slow shutter speed?
If you are taking pictures of a train track you might use this composition technique
Leading Lines