Cellular Respiration
Is This the EOC
Man, I'm Tired

This organelle, known as the powerhouse of the cell, converts energy in food molecules to energy the cell can use to carry out its functions.

What is the mitochondria


What are the 3 REACTANTS of photosynthesis?

What are carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight


A weightlifter is using heavy weights in short bursts for a competition. Because his muscle cells are not able to take in enough oxygen to make very much ATP the weightlifter begins to get fatigue in his muscles. Which of the following processes is most likely going on in the muscles of the weightlifter as he competes in his event?

A. As the cells run out of oxygen they switch to anaerobic respiration, which allows the cell to make small amounts of ATP in the absence of oxygen.

B. As the cells run out of oxygen, they die off gradually and the weightlifter's muscles have fewer contracting muscle cells.

C. The cells will never run out of oxygen if the weightlifter is breathing.

D. As the cells run out of oxygen, they will continue to make the same amount of ATP, since oxygen is not required to make ATP.

What is A.


Do 5 jumping jacks and tell me where light and dark reactions occur

Dark - stroma

Light - thylakoids


Who has more bones? 

A. Baby

B. Teenager

C. Adult

What is A. Baby


Name the two reactants of CR. 

What are oxygen and glucose


Name the 2 PRODUCTS of photosynthesis

What are oxygen and glucose


3. Mike has four aquatic plants of the same size and the same species. He submerges the plants in a separate beaker filled with 200 ml of water. She then sets each beaker under a different intensity of light. Mike observes that, of the four plants, the plant in the beaker under the most intense light gives off the most gas bubbles in a 20 minute period.

Which of the following statements best explains Mike’s observations?
A. Cells decompose most quickly under the most intense light.
B. Water evaporates from plants faster under the most intense light.
C. Photosynthesis occurs at the highest rate under the most intense light. 

D. Gases in the leaves of plants expand most under the most intense light

What is C. 


Do 5 situps and tell me the two types of fermentation and what they are seen in.

What are alcoholic (bread) and lactic acid (humans, cheese)


Place these in order:

cell, organ, organism, tissue, organ system

What is: cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism


This process provides energy when the oxygen when the levels are low.

What is fermentation


This pigment absorbs light energy and uses it to power the second stage of photosynthesis.

What is chlorophyll 


A potted plant is placed inside a clear, sealed vacuum container that has water pumped into it on a regular basis. The container is placed in the sun and the plant’s growth is monitored. Which statement best describes what will most likely happen to the plant over time?

A. The plant will grow faster because it is sheltered from the wind.
B. The plant will die because it does not have oxygen for photosynthesis.
C. The plant will die because it does not have carbon dioxide for photosynthesis 

D. The plant will grow at a slower rate because it requires more water.

What is C. The plant will die because it does not have carbon dioxide for photosynthesis.


Carbon dioxide enters through the leaves through these small holes on the leaf. Model active transport and then answer the question. (Hint: this means squat)

What are stomata


Golgi bodies does which of the following:

A. Receives proteins

B. Packages and modifies proteins for transport

C. Produces autosomes that will eventually become part of the male reproductive system

D. All of the above

What is D.