Light o Light o Light
Photosynthetic Parts
Hey there sweetness
Cellular Respirwhaaaat

The colors of the visible light spectrum from fast to slow (in order).

What is purple, blue, green, yellow, (orange), red.


The pigment in plants that absorbs light for photosynthesis and is responsible for the green color we see reflected.

What is chlorophyll.

The reactant missing from this equation is: Carbon Dioxide + __________ + sunlight -----> Glucose + Oxygen
What is Water. Or, "You look very nice today Mr. Sapora, here have a free pizza."
The 2 things that are missing from the following equation. ____________+ Oxygen -----> Carbon Dioxide + Water + ________
What is Glucose and ATP (energy)
Plants contain these two organelles within their cells that allows them to eat their own products.
What are chloroplasts and mitochondria.

Light is really a form of this type of energy.

What is Electromagnetic Radiation.


The organelle within plant cells that is the structure where photosynthesis takes place. Hint: there can be between 20 and 100 of these in a single plant cell.

What is chloroplast.

The bonds of this molecule now store the chemical energy that was converted from captured electromagnetic radiation.
What is Glucose or C6H12O6
This thing called Cellular it is like what?
What is "a process that releases energy by breaking down glucose in the presence of oxygen."
Photosynthesis is best described as this process:
What is converting light energy into chemical energy (glucose).

Light interacts with matter in these 3 ways and which of the three is responsible for the colors we see.

What reflects, absorbs, and transmits. Reflected.


Thin, flattened disks that contain the chlorophyll pigment and are the structure absorb light energy and split water molecules in half.

What are Thylakoids.

The Oxygen that we breath comes from this molecule (reactant) in photosynthesis.
What is Water.
The organelle inside of cells where cellular respiration takes place.
What is Mitochondria.
The distance between successive crests of a wave is defined as:
What is a wavelength.

What color of light is REFLECTED by the chloroplasts of plants?

What is a green.


The waste product formed by the Thylakoid in the light reaction.

What is Oxygen. I will also take: "What is your face".

The CO2 that you breath out comes from what molecule ultimately.
What is Glucose. C6H12O6
The molecule that is responsible for doing the actual work of the cell. It's FULL name.
What is Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP).
Glucose is converted into this many _________ molecules during cellular respiration.
What is 30-38 ATP molecules.

When diving down into water - the color red will disappear after 10m or 30f deep. Why is this?

What is "red" is the lowest energy (longer wavelength) frequency of visible light, so it cannot travel very far into water.  Other wavelengths of light are higher energy and travel deeper.
The location where CO2 is combined with the H+ atom in the Dark or Calvin Cycle to produce C6H12O6.
What is the Stroma.

The form of energy that is generated by the splitting of the water molecule and used to split the CO2 molecule.

What is ATP.

Describe the relationship between photosynthesis and cellular respiration using the following terms: Sunlight, photosynthesis, chloroplast, glucose, cellular respiration, mitochondria, and ATP.
What is...ahhh...hem: Sunlight energy is captured by the chloroplasts in plants and stored in glucose molecules through photosynthesis; the glucose is then broken-down and used for ATP energy by mitochondria during cellular respiration.

You are diagnosed with a disease that doctors tell you is affecting an organelle in your body that allows you process sugar. The organelle the doctor is speaking of.

What is mitochondria.