___________ provides the energy for photosynthesis?
The male part of the plant.
What is Stamen
Define autotrophs?
The calvin cycle makes sugar from what?
What is Carbon Dioxide?
You chose the safe option and gained 100 pts.
Gained 100 pts
_____________ is released into the air by plants?
What is oxygen?
What produces chemicals that ward off predators
What is sepal?
What is ovary?
ATP generated by the light reactions provides the energy for what?
What is sugar synthesis?
If someone in your group has on the color green, gain 200 pts.
Gain or loose 200 pts
____________ vibrates and causes water to break apart?
What is chlorophyll?
the ____________ contains the stigma, style, and ovary?
What is Pistil?
Filaments holds up the ______________.
What is anther.
What types of energy go into the calvin cylce?
What is ATP and NADPH
You're fined for taking flowers from a nursing home garden. Loose 300 pts.
___________ is a product of photosynthesis. Also known as sugar.
What is Glucose?
What are the two male parts of the plant. Tell me one of their functions.
What is the Anthe/Filament. Contains pollen. Male/female games, etc.
Define the term photosynthesis?
What is the process by which autotrophic organisms use light energy to make sugar and oxygen gas from carbon dioxide and water?
where does the calvin cycle take place?
What is chlorplast?
You have 3 minutes to find the picture of the tulip in the room. Everyone in the group can look
Gain or loose 400 pts
Humans release ___________ into the air?
What is carbon dioxide?
What is the difference in a receptacle and peduncle.
What is receptacle holds up the entire plant and the peduncle only holds up part of a plant.
Define chlorophyll?
What is the green pigment that captures light for photosynthesis
Light reactions convert solar energy into _________ energy?
What is chemical energy?
Choose one person from your group to go to the baord and draw the best flower they can. They then must label at least 3 parts of that flower correctly. You have 1 minute to discuss with your table then must begin
Gain or loose 500 pts