This is the main organ where photosynthesis occurs.
What is the leaf?
This vascular tissue transports water from roots to leaves.
What is xylem?
This part of the chloroplast is the site of the light-dependent reactions.
What are the thylakoids?
The process that converts ADP into ATP.
What is chemiosmosis?
This cycle is also known as the light-independent reactions.
What is the Calvin Cycle?
These organisms can perform photosynthesis.
What are autotrophs?
This vascular tissue transports sugars throughout the plant.
What is phloem?
The fluid-filled space where the Calvin Cycle takes place.
What is the stroma?
The enzyme that helps make ATP.
What is ATP synthase?
The molecule that provides carbon for glucose production.
What is carbon dioxide?
The word equation for photosynthesis.
What is carbon dioxide + water → oxygen + glucose?
Factors that affects the rate of photosynthesis.
What is light intensity, CO₂ concentration, or temperature?
This is where chlorophyll molecules are located.
What are the thylakoid membranes?
The high-energy molecule that carries electrons to the Calvin Cycle.
What is NADPH?
The main product of the Calvin Cycle.
What is glucose?
The tiny openings in leaves that regulate gas exchange.
What are stomata?
The pigment that absorbs light for photosynthesis.
What is chlorophyll?
This is the primary function of the light-dependent reaction.
What is to produce ATP and NADPH for the Calvin Cycle?
The protein complexes in the thylakoid membrane that capture light energy.
What are photosystems?
The molecule that gets reduced by NADPH in the Calvin Cycle.
What is 3-PGA?
The cells that control the opening and closing of stomata.
What are guard cells?
The process by which plants lose water through their leaves.
The source of electrons that replace those lost in the electron transport chain.
What is water?
The type of ions pumped across the membrane to create an electrochemical gradient.
What are protons or hydrogen ions?
What happens to a molecule when it is reduced?
What is it gains electrons?