What are the two stages of withdrawal?
Acute Stage and PAWS stage
What is a relapse?
Relapse is going back to using a substance and to all the behaviors and patterns that come with it. Learning to recognize the beginning of a relapse can help people in recovery stop the relapse before it happens.
what is a trigger?
A trigger is something that sets off a memory tape or flashback transporting the person back to the event of her/his original trauma
Who plays Iron Man?
Robert Downey Jr.
What is Alie's full name?
Alison Courtright
What are the three most dangerous withdrawal symptoms?
Hallucinations, seizures, and delirium
Give 2 examples of addictive behaviors
Lying, stealing, being unreliable, acting compulsively, manipulating, ETC
Give 5 examples of things that can trigger someone?
Special occasions and holidays
Being around people you associate with substance use
Being offered a drink or drug
Free time or boredom
Watching a movie where someone is using your drug of choice
Passing away from an overdose at the age of 36, this famous actress struggled with addiction to amphetamines, barbiturates, and alcohol.
marilyn monroe
According to Forrest Gump, “life was like…”
A box of chocolates
Name 4 potential PAWS symptoms
sleep disturbances, mood swings, increased irritability, anxiety, impaired concentration, poor impulse control, ETC
What three things should be avoided for a successful recovery?
People places and things
What are the two types of cravings?
Physical Cravings and Mental Cravings
This talk show host admitted on her show in 1995 that she had been addicted to crack cocaine.
What has many keys but can’t open a single lock?
What does HALT stand for?
Hungry angry lonely tired
What are the 3 stages of relapse?
Emotional, Mental, and Physical
Tell us about a time you overcame a trigger.
Any acceptable answer
Starred on "Spin City" and "Two and a Half Men". Suffered a stroke in 1998 due to cocaine use. Checked in and out of numerous rehabs. Self-Proclaimed winner.
Charlie Sheen
What is the name of Bart Simpson's best friend?
What is the best way to overcome PAWS?
Describe what you would do if you felt you were mentally relapsing?
any acceptable answer
Give an example of a thought stopping technique?
Any acceptable answer
This author, who wrote books such as Carrie and The Green Mile struggled with alcohol and prescription drug addiction for years.
In the movie "The Lion King" who said "The past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it"