Name That Diagnosis
True or False
Explain It
Coping Skills
Wild Card

This disorder used to be called "shell-shock" by the public. It was often associated with men, however, women are nearly 3 times as likely to experience this disorder 

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

  • Re-experiencing type symptoms, such as recurring, involuntary and intrusive distressing memories, which can include flashbacks of the trauma, bad dreams and intrusive thoughts.
  • Avoidance, which can include staying away from certain places or objects that are reminders of the traumatic event. A person might actively avoid a place or person that might activate overwhelming symptoms.
  • Cognitive and mood symptoms, which can include trouble recalling the event, negative thoughts about one’s self. A person may also feel numb, guilty, worried or depressed and have difficulty remembering the traumatic event. Cognitive symptoms can in some instances extend to include out-of-body experiences or feeling that the world is "not real" (derealization).
  • Arousal symptoms, such as hypervigilance. Examples might include being intensely startled by stimuli that resembles the trauma, trouble sleeping or outbursts of anger.

T or F: Talking about suicide increases your risk of attempts.


Talking about suicide decreases stigma and allows us to get help for what were experiencing. 

**so long as you are not encouraging someone to hurt themselves. Please be aware that if someone makes you aware that they have a plan in place and intent you need to call emergency services. 


Why is gratitude helpful at increasing optimism?

Our brain likes to work in patterns, so if we create a behavior where we are focusing on the positive things in life intentionally, our brain starts to naturally replicate that behavior on its own.


What is a coping skill and when should it be used?

The methods a person uses to deal with stressful situations. These may help a person face a situation, take action, and be flexible and persistent in solving problems. They can be used prior to, during , or after a stressful event.


How many days does it take a drop of water to travel the Mississippi River from top to bottom?

It takes a drop of water 90 days to travel the entire Mississippi River


This disorder frequently is misdiagnosed as Borderline Personality Disorder due to frequent mood swings, risk-seeking behaviors, and lability.

Bipolar Disorder, most frequently type 1.

A reminder that diagnoses should be seen as a whole movie and not a snapshot, this is why continued care is important.


in 2020: 20,975 people died by suicide.

True or False: there were also ~18,400 hospitalizations for suicide attempts

~36,800 E.R visits related to suicide or S.I.

~124,200 self-reported attempts

~1,265,000 people who seriously considered Suicide.

False: in 2020: 45,970 people died by suicide.

there were also ~184,000 hospitalizations for suicide attempts

~368,000 E.R visits related to suicide or S.I.

~1,242,000 self-reported attempts

~12,650,000 people who seriously considered Suicide.

What is a boundary? How do you know when a boundary needs to be created or strengthened?

Every relationship has its own norms, rules, and limits. These are the boundaries that tell us what’s okay, and what’s not okay, in the relationship. They are rules and limits we set to keep ourselves safe and respected in our relationships.

Boundaries should be strengthened when we feel unsafe, hurt, embarrassed, drained, or uncomfortable in a relationship or in situations.


This CS is best used when your environment is stressing you out (i.e. people are arguing around you, there are too many people around you, someone you dislike is around you) but you should also feel able to manage you emotions on your own.

Leaving a stressful environment. I'll accept any version of being outdoors or going into a new space.


Wildly thought to be the most important invention in modern history, it was initially called "mold juice".



This is a condition that affects the way your brain processes information. It causes you to lose touch with reality. You might see, hear, or believe things that aren’t real. This is a symptom, not an illness. It can be triggered by an underlying mental illness, a physical injury or illness, substance abuse, or extreme stress or trauma.



T or F: The average delay between onset of mental illness symptoms and treatment is 3 years

False! It typically take 11 years for someone to get help with a disorder.


What are Cognitive Distortions? Why is it important to challenge cognitive distortions? What can happen if they go unchecked? 

Patterns of negative irrational thoughts are called cognitive distortions. These thoughts lack evidence, and tend to have a negative slant (e.g. seeing only the bad side of something, or the worst possible outcomes). Everyone has some cognitive distortions, but they start to become a problem when they are too frequent or too intense. In these cases, they can contribute to problems such as depression and anxiety.


This coping skill is most efficient when it is practiced regularly, in the long run it can help you observe and not react to your emotions, it can reduce distress, it can reduce spiraling thoughts and cognitive distortions, and generally give you more control of your mind.



What animal is bulletproof?

An armadillo. 


What is panic disorder with Agoraphobia?

Why does Agoraphobia develop? 

This disorder is characterized by panic attacks and sudden feelings of terror sometimes striking repeatedly and without warning. Often mistaken for a heart attack, a panic attack causes powerful physical symptoms including chest pain, heart palpitations, dizziness, shortness of breath and stomach upset. Many people will go to desperate measures to avoid an attack, including social isolation. Agoraphobia literally means "fear of the marketplace", this is when people become so avoidant that leaving the familiar setting of their home begins to feel impossible. Even the thought of having to leave home for people with agoraphobia can trigger a panic attack.


T or F:  28% of U.S. counties do not have a single practicing psychiatrist

False: the actual statistic is 55% of U.S. counties.


What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

Explain the basic idea behind how we think, act, and feel.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a form of talking therapy which can be used to treat people with a wide range of mental health problems.

CBT is based on the idea that how we think (cognition), how we feel (emotion) and how we act (behavior) all interact together.  Specifically, our thoughts determine our feelings and our behavior.


What is deep breathing? explain how it physically works and demonstrate how to take a calming deep breath.

it helps engage our parasympathetic nervous system


What is Cap’n Crunch’s full name? Bonus points if you can tell me his actual rank because he is a liar and not actually a Captain. 

Horatio Magellan Crunch

He is a Navy commander


this disorder is often first noticed in childhood, however, in adults leaving this disorder untreated can result in difficulty following directions, remembering information, concentrating, organizing tasks, finishing work on time, interrupting other frequently.



T or F: The number of people diagnosed with depression doubled during the covid-19 pandemic

False. Depression rate tripled in this time


What are the three styles of communicating? briefly explain each

Passive- person does not make their needs known, often has low volume while communicating, make little or no eye contact, and lacks confidence.

Aggressive-this person often bulldozes others in conversations, demands their needs be met without compromising, bullies, intimidates, or invalidates the other person.

Assertive- this person is confident in what they are communicating, they make good eye contact, they keep an appropriate tone of voice, they are willing to compromise when needed , and listen to others.


This coping skill should be used when you need help venting or processing your feelings.

Reaching out to a friend/ therapist/helpline


Teddy Roosevelt had a pet gifted to him by the Ethiopian Emperor. What animal was it?

A Hyena named Bill.