Self Care

Name 3 activities that can involve mindfulness.




Doing a puzzle 


Working with clay 

Word Search

Hidden Picture Puzzles


What are boundaries?

Boundaries are limits we have for ourselves and how others treat us 


What does SEEDS stand for?







What are coping skills? 

Coping skills are behaviors that help manage uncomfortable or distressing emotions/activities that help us deal with stressful situations 


Demonstrate the use of an "I" Statement. 

I feel ____ when _____.


What did we do for mindfulness yesterday? What was mindful about it? 

Feelings Monster? 

Practicing being present, reflecting on emotion experiences and building awareness around emotions, practicing emotion recognition. 


Name 3 areas of life you can set boundaries for. 

  • How others talk to you
  • personal items that you share or allow others to borrow
  • how you spend your time
  • Your thoughts, values, and opinions
  • what others know about you (personal information)
  • physical space/touch

How much sleep is recommended for your age group?

8-11 hours


What is Distress Tolerance? 

The ability to manage or cope with emotional discomfort or distress -- any uncomfortable feelings 

Distress tolerance skills help us cope with difficult feelings and come back to a sense of control over ourselves when we feel out of control 


What does the CARE acronym stand for? 

C- be Curious 

A- Ask questions

R- Really listen

E- Express understanding


How do you do something mindfully? 

Doing things slowly, intentionally

Focusing on what we are doing

Redirecting our thoughts to the present

Noticing our thoughts, feelings, impulses, sensations


What is the point of boundaries? 

Healthy boundaries let others know how you want to be treated, and protect us and our space

Boundaries help manage stress and create feelings of safety and security in self and relationships

Boundaries recognize that we can’t control what others say or do, but we can control how we respond and what we allow 

Boundaries are necessary and healthy in all relationships


Name 3 ways you can improve your sleep hygiene. 

Set a schedule 

Don't force sleep

Avoid caffeine, alcohol, nicotine 

Avoid long naps/naps later in the day 

Use bed only for sleep

Exercise & eat well

Comfy environment

Avoid screens before bed


What does BRAKE stand for and what is its purpose? 

B- take deep Breaths

R- Relax your muscles

A- Ask your fact mind to balance emotions

K- be Kind to self & others

E- Enter the situation when you are ready to make good decisions 

The purpose of the BRAKE skill is to use strategies to help your body regulate/calm down when experiencing intense emotions or urges, in order to make healthier more intentional decisions (helps us access our wise mind) 


What does GIVE stand for?

G- be Gentle

I- act Interested 

V- Validate 

E- Express understanding 


What is Mindfulness? 

The practice of intentional awareness of thoughts, feelings, body sensations and environment, without judgment or criticism

Awareness of the present moment


What does HALT stand for?

Name 3 Boundary setting statements. 

H- Have a goal 

A- Ask for what you need directly 

L- Look the person you're talking to in the eye 

T- Take deep breaths 

Possible answers:

  • I am feeling uncomfortable. Can you please stop doing that?
  • I know you think that’s “just a joke”, but it’s not funny to me.
  • This is something I don’t want to talk about.
  • I need some time to myself right now, can we talk about this later?
  • I don’t like being called names.
  • Please don’t do that.
  • You’re standing a little too close. Can you please back up?

How might not having our SEEDS needs met impact you?


Emotion regulation


Immune system 




What is self-soothing and what does it have to do with our senses? Name 3 examples of self-soothing. 

Self-soothing is a way to manage emotions by creating a sense of calm and comfort.

Senses are a useful/accessible way to create that feeling of comfort.

Examples: taking a warm bath, listening to music, soft blanket, scented candle, sour candy, etc.


What does it mean to be curious about others? Why is it important? 

Being curious means being open to others, who they are and their perspectives 

It allows others to show/tell us who they are rather than us making assumptions, which are often reductive or wrong 

Describe Wise Mind, how it relates to mindfulness and how to use it. 

Wise Mind is when you combine your reasoning with your emotions so that neither mode of thinking is controlling you

It involves considering the consequences of your actions and acting in your best interest, and from your values -- which involve mindfulness because awareness of thoughts, emotions and impulses allow us to CHOOSE how to act, rather than be controlled by our emotions/urges


How can you respect others' boundaries? Name 3 ways

Valuing their thoughts, opinions, and beliefs

Accepting “no” 

Not taking advantage of others

Asking a person before touching them or their items

Learn about other people’s experiences and reflect on the impact of our actions

Watch for nonverbal signs that someone is uncomfortable


What is "true" downtime and what is the benefit of it? 

True downtime means a break from ALL additional stimulus including phones, homework, tv, games etc. 

Giving our brain a break from all stimulus gives our mind time to wander, notice how we feel, form ideas, and simply relax 


What is Radical Acceptance? 

A strategy to accept situations outside of your control without judgment in order to reduce unnecessary suffering

Acknowledgment of situations or emotions without denying, fighting or avoiding them


Explain assertive communication.

Assertiveness involves clearly and respectfully communicating your message (thoughts, feelings, and needs) in a clear & straightforward manner. It leaves room for compromise if applicable and often uses "I" statements.