Note down
Be accepted into a group or a team
Get in
Do an activity with others
I enjoy __________ new things!
trying out
John hasn't __________ his homework yet.
handed in
Figure out
Try to achieve something
Go for
Make progress
Get on
I'm going to __________ the position of team captain this year.
go for
Don't _____ things _____ for too long or you might not ever do them!
put (things) off
Distribute something to people
Give out
Do something to see if you like it
Try out
Decide to do something later
Put off
I have older friends. I don't __________ well with people of my age.
get on
The teacher __________ the names of everyone in the class before the lesson begins.
reads out
Say the words of a text aloud
Read out
Remain while others leave
Stay behind
I can't __________ the answer to this maths problem.
figure out
Our teacher __________ the assignments yesterday.
Gave out / Handed out
I think we __________ for the summer on 6h June.
Break up
Hand in
Finish classes at the end of the term
Break up
If I play well, I’ll __________ the school football team this year.
get in
I love __________ when someone starts singing.
joining in
Don't forget to __________ all the homework in your agendas!
note down