To return to a place or to regain something.
I need to get ...... home before it gets dark.
get back
To end a relationship.
They broke .... after five years of dating.
To take care of someone or something.
Can you look ..... my cat while I’m on vacation?
look after
To assemble or create something.
She put ............ a great presentation for the meeting.
put together
To ascend (for planes); to leave the ground.
The plane will take ..... in a few minutes.
take off
To escape or leave a place, especially for a break or vacation.
We’re planning to get ............. for the weekend and relax in the countryside.
get away
To force entry into a place.
Thieves broke ..... the house while we were on holiday.
break into
To investigate or examine something.
The police are looking ..... the case.
look into
To successfully communicate an idea or message.
He managed to put ............ his point of view during the presentation.
put across
To resemble a family member, usually in appearance or behavior.
She takes ...... her mother in both looks and personality.
take after
To meet with other people for a social event or activity.
Let’s get .............. this weekend and have dinner.
get together
To stop working (for machines, vehicles) or to become emotionally upset.
My car broke ...... on the way to work.
To be excited about something that will happen.
I look ........... ........ meeting you next week.
look forward to
To extinguish something (e.g., a fire).
The firefighters put ....... the flames quickly.
put out
To begin a new activity or hobby.
I decided to take ..... playing the guitar.
take up
To take revenge on someone.
He was angry after the argument and wanted to get ..... ...... his friend.
get back at
To overcome a barrier or difficulty; to achieve success after a struggle.
After years of hard work, she finally broke ....... in the music industry.
break through
To be aware of possible danger or to take care of someone.
Look ..... ...... pickpockets in crowded areas!
look out for
To tolerate or accept something unpleasant.
I can’t put ...... ......... his bad attitude anymore.
put up with
To accept responsibility or a task.
She decided to take ....... the challenge of leading the team.
take on
To become interested in something again or to start doing something again after a break.
After a long break, she finally got ..... ...... painting.
get back into
To end something suddenly, like an engagement or agreement.
She broke ...... the engagement because she wasn’t ready for marriage.
break off
To remember and reflect on the past.
When I look ...... ...... my school years, I feel nostalgic.
look back on
To delay or postpone something.
We had to put ....... the meeting until next week.
put off
To develop a liking for something or someone.
He really took ..... playing basketball after a few games.
take to